Introducing ‘BotSupply NLP’

Giving Chatfuel bots a smart boost

Francesco Stasi
3 min readJun 13, 2017


We at BotSupply are today opening up our NLP engine to all those companies who have created a bot on bot-building platforms and now want to make it smarter.

We are launching in 3 languages: Danish, Italian and English.

Check out more on our website or get in touch at to get started now!

Who benefits

Companies of all size that have already developed chatbots on any given bot framework and are looking to make their bots smarter.

During the last months, we have been talking to many companies building their bots on platforms like Chatfuel,, Flow.xo,, etc.
While all these platforms are definitely a good starting point to get familiar with NLP services, we also see a clear demand for better performing NLP engines to handle customer requests.

We want to support businesses in their customer service efforts, increase customer satisfaction and free up resources from monotonous tasks.

Using our NLP for your chatbot reduces up to 70% the hand-tagged data needs of any development platform.
Our platform reduces the number of linguistic structures required by your bot to understand and accurately answer users.

A successful business case: TopDanmark

TopDanmark, the second biggest insurance company in Denmark, had created its own Chatfuel bot.
It had 700 different blocks linking to predefined answers for all the questions users could ask in free text mode.

Since TopDanmark needed to provide meaningful answers with Chatfuel’s NLP module, we at BotSupply have connected the 700 blocks to our engine to make sure the bot returns with the appropriate answer to each user.

Result: the engine has 92% accuracy.

You can read more in this interview with Linea Svendsen from TopDanmark.

How it works

In order to have a performing NLP engine we will follow some simple steps:

We feed our Machine Learning engine with your data

We connect our model to your existing bot

You are ready to go!

We aim at boosting your bot within 2 weeks.

‘Co-Create AI’ means more languages coming soon

More languages will come, thanks to our Co-Create AI program through which we attract top AI talent with no obligations on what to R&D.
Our scientists receive royalties from AI products that are commercialized, and that’s how we aim at attracting global AI experts to develop a world-class NLP engines in different languages.

Co-Create AI
BotSupply Agency and BotSupply Cognitive fuel each others’ growth

Can this benefit you too?

Check out our website for more or get in touch at for any query!

The Messaging Economy is here.

Thank you!

We’re a team of bot creatives and AI scientists with one common goal:

blowing business objectives out of the water with bots and cognitive solutions

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Francesco Stasi

Founder at @BotSupplyHQ & @JatanaHQ and passionate about borderless workforce