The Week! issue 8

Giovanni Toschi
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2017


Last week of BootCamp in Dronningmolle

We have spent the last four weeks in Dronningmølle, a seaside village on the northern coast of Zealand for what we call: BotSupply BootCamp.

We work with many AI scientists from around the globe and the idea behind the Bootcamp was to bring everybody together for a month-long hackathon on Bots and Artificial Intelligence.

BotSupply BootCamp — A month-long hackathon on Bots and Artificial Intelligence

Now that the boot camp is over, we’ll be moving permanently back to our HQ in Holte, also known to be the AI Valley of Denmark.

The following is a recollection of everything that happened in the last week of boot camp.


We are 🔝

Our Co-Chief Scientist Kumar Shridhar has been sharing his knowledge on Medium for a while now, and it was about time he got the recognition he deserved from the community!

Kumar is now a 🔝 Writer in Artificial Intelligence:


We are very proud of Kumar, and we are looking forward to sharing more and more insights from our AI research lab!

If you haven’t read his articles, don’t waste any more time and start getting your AI game up with these excellent tutorials:


We partner up 🤝

Building a company at the bleeding edge of technology takes a lot of effort and motivation. You need to face the odds and keep pushing while ignoring all the naysayers around you. Ultimately, responsibility lies with you, the entrepreneur! But that doesn’t mean you have to struggle alone!

Building a company at the bleeding edge of technology takes a lot of effort and motivation.

At BotSupply we consider Business Development to be the cornerstone of our growth strategy and we are always looking to sign partnerships with innovative companies that share our view of the world.

This week we signed several partnerships with organizations that are pushing the boundaries of Social Media Management, Natural Language Processing, and Bot Building.

We’ll be revealing their names in the upcoming weeks, stay tuned!


We hire 🚣 🚣 🚣 🚣 🚣

We are delighted to be in that sweet situation where there is more work coming in that we can manage: It’s a sign of approval from the market, and we couldn’t be happier!

At the same time, we consider it a sign that the time has come to expand the organization and bring in new talents and perspectives.

So please everybody stand up and give a warm welcome to Grasia, our new Marketing and Communication intern who will be working with our marketing team for the next six months.

It’s a sign of approval from the market, and we couldn’t be happier!

She will be focusing on streamlining the way we communicate with clients, stakeholders and the BotSupply community as a whole!


We book some flights ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️

Chatbot Summit Berlin is approaching and we got busy sharping up our pitch for the event!

If you haven’t heard of the Chatbot Summit before, have a look at the video below to get up to speed with the pace of the industry:


More hiring and more projects for the greater good!

We mentioned before that we were in talks with MobileLife, the innovation unit of Danske Bank, to add bots and AI capabilities to some of the latest products they are developing.

Well, the time has finally come to kick off the project and start building some exciting tech together!

You can probably recognize the smiling face on the left, but we are sure you don’t know who’s the well-dressed guy on the left.

Once again, ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause to Troels Hjort, who’s joining BotSupply as Creative Project Manager.

Welcome to the team Troels!


Coming from an International Development and Social Entrepreneurship background, we’ve always been aware of the positive impact that bots can have on society.

That’s why, from the start of BotSupply, we have always been open to run pro bono projects for causes that we believe can spread the benefits of technological development to the society as a whole.

We’ve always been aware of the positive impact that bots can have on society

Today we are thrilled to announce that we are partnering up with Venlig Kørsel, a Danish Non-Profit Organization helping underprivileged women in remote areas get safe and free transport to the nearest hospital.

We developed the bot at light speed, and the service is already accessible at:


We move 🚀

After packing all the tech gear, we moved back to the Ai Valley of Holte for a growth session with Thomas, our business accelerator from Accelerace!

It’s great to get a fresh perspective on your business from someone that is not involved in it 24/7

We were supposed to talk for an hour but ended up staying more than 2!

We are looking forward to the next session!

Last Friday we celebrated Sankt Hans, or Saint John’s Eve for the non-Danish out there, the day that commemorates the birth of Saint John the Baptist and that coincides with the summer solstice.

For Sankt Hans, people gather with friends and families to sing songs and watch the bonfires burning in the harbor of Copenhagen:


We read 📙 📙 📙

We took it slow on Saturday reading some articles while making the last preparations for the Chatbot Summit in Berlin.

Here’s one of the most interesting articles we found:

We’re a team of bot creatives and AI scientists with one common goal:

blowing business objectives out of the water with bots and cognitive solutions

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Giovanni Toschi

#AI Director @xtendops // 10+ years of tech hustle 💪 // Built and sold an AI startup before ChatGPT was cool 😎