How to start a freelance writing career (and actually get paid)

Sean Meyer
Bottom Line Grind
Published in
7 min readJun 2, 2018


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Last Thanksgiving I was at a family reunion, just enjoying my turkey and minding my own business…

When ol’ crazy aunt Angie decided to come up and start a conversation.

As most awkward conversations go, we went through the sequence of:

  1. How ya been?
  2. Where you living at now?…

And then the worst:

3. What are you doing for work?

I say worst because as a freelance copywriter, it’s the absolute hardest thing to explain…

And I usually just say drug dealer as it’s easier (seriously)…

But for some reason, I decided to tell her the truth.

She sat there and stared at me for a solid 10 seconds, seeing if I was joking with her or not…

But after seeing I was serious, she got a small grin on her face and asked, “is it even possible to make money with writing? If so, why doesn’t everybody do it”…

Which always makes me laugh because is it possible?



Not exactly.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s the hardest industry, as there’s A LOT of demand out…

