How to write landing page copy that converts like crazy (even if it’s your first time)

Sean Meyer
Bottom Line Grind
Published in
14 min readApr 15, 2018


Image credit: Pixabay

Everybody has that one skill they really excel at, and over the last few years, mine has been writing landing page copy.

It all started as a venture to write copy for my own landing pages (after wasting thousands of dollars on designers, ad professionals, and copywriters who didn’t know what they were doing)…

Then after some valuable information and a little bit of practice, I was able to start producing landing pages that were converting just over 8%:

At the time I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad, as I was just happy to see conversion rates higher than 1%…

But after doing this for awhile and loving my results, I decided to speak with a friend of mine who deals with large companies (like, sameish size as Cabelas) and asked what a good conversion rate was for him.

His response?

If we can get a 0.75%, we’re happy.

(Mind = blown.)

Here I was getting 8% for my rinky dink free course, but large companies couldn’t get over 1%? Something had to be off.

This led me onto a journey of more research, where I started looking for “average” conversion rates that I could compare to…

