How to write a killer Upwork proposal that makes clients practically begging to work with you

Sean Meyer
Bottom Line Grind
Published in
9 min readJun 6, 2018


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

3 years ago I couldn’t get a client on Upwork to save my life.

I’d tried every method out there, from writing “professional” cover letters to creating videos for each individual client…

But after wasting countless hours and getting no results, I knew something had to change.

At first, I blamed it on Upwork and all the “cheap” clients on there…

But seeing how I’d already failed at every other type of marketing (i.e. content marketing, paid advertising, etc.) — I didn’t know where else to turn.

This led me onto a rabbit hole of research, and after days of combing through information, then weeks of testing…

I’d finally found a proven strategy that started landing me clients right away, in various industries:

Which is what I’m going to share with you today.

Our example

As with every “how-to” article I write, I’ve learned it always works best when we have an example we can relate to, so let’s use this job posting for our example today.

