Want to stabilize your lead flow?

If so, here’s how to do it

Sean Meyer
Bottom Line Grind


Photo by Microsoft Edge on Unsplash

When it comes to lead generation today, oddly enough, everybody’s biggest problem is “overcomplicating” it.

I don’t know why this is, but we all seem to think there has to be “various” components in a lead generation system, including:

  • Funnels
  • Writing content every day
  • Creating newsletters
  • Etc…

When in all reality, that’s not the case.

Since you’re looking for leads, not “followers”, you can trim a lot of fat and “simplify” your life because of it.

No need to be “manually” marketing anymore, we have tools that take care of this for you, and the goal of this system isn’t to “just” generate leads either.

In addition to that, we want to pre-sell them (for the most part), and make your sales process “easy” after that.

Not hard to get “one-call closes” when they understand everything upfront, it’s just “normal” for them to move forward right away, because anybody will buy something that benefits them.

Of course, there’s other considerations that take place, such as:

  • Making sure your target market can afford the service

