Stop Apologizing and Start Living Boldly

Live Life on Your Terms

Alejandro Betancourt
Bottomline Talks
Published in
5 min readApr 19, 2024


Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels.

“The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.” — Joe Ancis

We’re all guilty of — being people pleasers.

We’ve all fallen into the trap at some point — that boss who punished you severely for a minor mistake. The friend who lost their mind over nothing, and suddenly you’re walking on eggshells, terrified to assert yourself.

It’s time to take life by the horns and stop saying sorry for every little thing.

Apologizing for being yourself is no way to live.

So throw off those shackles of shame!

Don’t Say Sorry for Chasing Money

Want to make a kill? Go for it! Despite what your hippie cousin says, money isn’t evil. Financial freedom lets you do more good in this world.

Yet, most of us have learned to consider chasing wealth as shallow. We avoid discussing salaries, taking high-paying jobs, or negotiating better earnings. Don’t be shy! Employers want you to be timid about money to get you on the cheap.

Ask for that raise. Invest in yourself. And don’t justify wanting more money to anyone. Your goals are your goals. Get that bread and be proud!

Embrace Your Weird Side

You know what makes you unique? Your weirdness. But too often, we hide our quirks or tone them down to fit in. Why?

Normal is boring.

Embrace your quirks to attract similar people. One friend might share your obsession with antique dolls. Another might talk conspiracy theories with you all night.

Surround yourself with people who dig your weird side. Let it connect you.

Never apologize for being one of a kind.

“I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.” — Kurt Cobain

Follow Your Dreams — No Permission Slips Needed

Do you have a vision for your life but keep waiting for permission to pursue it? Why?

Shake off external validation and start building! Too many of us put our dreams on hold because others don’t understand them.

Your family might still need to get your startup idea. Your spouse may not support that career change. Ignore the naysayers.

This is YOUR life!

Get excited about what sets your soul on fire.

Custom-design the lifestyle you want, and don’t apologize for it.

Channel Your Rage

Mad as heck about something? Don’t stuff it down.

Get fired up and handle that situation with finesse. When airlines lose your luggage or companies overbill you, speak up. Calmly but firmly hold them accountable.

Does your local politician need a wake-up call? Rally your neighbors to create change. Fight injustice through positive action. Do so respectfully, and persist until you get results.

Don’t say sorry for speaking truth to power.

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.” — Anonymous

Cut Out the Toxic Friends

Surround yourself with people who bring out your best.

It’s time to cut the cord when certain friends leave you drained or disrespect you. Don’t justify keeping them around.

Nurture friendships that energize and support you.

Scale back time with people constantly complaining. Protect your peace of mind. Never apologize for only giving your time to positive people.

Dare to Dream Big — Reality is Overrated

Shoot for the moon. Don’t limit yourself based on what others deem “realistic.”

Those bold enough to pursue wild dreams manifest incredible things. Let impossibilities ignite your imagination.

Sure, you might not become an astronaut. But reaching for that goal could inspire incredible things.

Fuel your delusions — they often lead to “fantastic” destinations better than “realistic” ones.

Never apologize for dreaming.

“You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there’s nobody listening, and live like it’s heaven on earth.” — William W. Purkey

Geek Out on What You Love

We all have a passion that gives life meaning. When you find yours, nerd out and go deep; don’t let people shame you for your obsessions.

Surround yourself with a tribe that shares your interests.

If music moves you, start that band. If editing video feeds your soul, make that YouTube channel. Say no to events that don’t align with your joy.

Never apologize for what gives you meaning.

Never Stop Growing

Some people peak in high school. Don’t be that person. See self-improvement as a lifelong adventure. Read books that challenge you. Have conversations that expand your views.

Become 0.1% better every day.

Growth keeps us feeling alive. Remain open, hungry, and humble.

Apologize when you mess up, then learn and grow from it. But never apologize for working to improve yourself and evolve.

Think Long-Term

Society wants quick fixes and instant gratification. Reject that mentality.

Set 5 or 10-year goals and chip away. Building things of value takes time. Trust the process.

Too many abandon dreams because they expect overnight success. Take the long run and commit.

Don’t apologize for playing the long game required to manifest greatness.

“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” — Lao Tzu

Forget About People-Pleasing

Let’s be honest — we don’t know what others think.

We assume what they believe and make up stories in our heads. Even if someone does judge you, so what? They aren’t living your life.

I became a single dad in a very conservative country. Many said I was ruining my life; some looked down on me. Some still do! But my sons are the best thing that ever happened to me. If I obsessed over peoples’ opinions, I wouldn’t have my family today.

You answer to yourself first.

Make decisions based on your values, different from what Aunt Milly will think. Respectful people won’t judge you for walking your path. And for those who do, sending them love is the best approach.

So relax, you do you!

Never apologize for how others may react to the real you. The right people will celebrate someone brave enough not to conform.

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” — Marilyn Monroe

Alright, that’s my rally for you today! Stop saying sorry. Stop people-pleasing.

Live your truth without needing validation.

I believe in you.

Now, believe in yourself.

Rock your fantastic life! You do not need to apologize for it!

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I first published this article in “Beyond Two Cents” on September 11th, 2023.

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Alejandro Betancourt
Bottomline Talks

Entrepreneur, Investor, Executive Coach & Author. Single Dad sharing insights on Mindset, Philosophy, and Self-Improvement.