The Clash Between Political Correctness and Disrespect

Is it dishonest to want to be respectful and inclusive?

Alejandro Betancourt
Bottomline Talks
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2022


Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels.

We all know the feeling. You’re having a conversation with someone, and things are going great. Everyone is laughing and joking around. Then, someone says something that crosses the line. It might be a racial slur, a sexist remark, or an offensive joke. The group falls silent, and everyone starts to feel uncomfortable.

This is the clash between political correctness and disrespectful sarcasm.

On the one hand, you have people who believe that we should always be respectful of others and avoid any language or behavior that could be seen as offensive.

On the other hand, you have people who believe that we should be able to joke around and say whatever we want, even if it means crossing the line sometimes.

One group of people feels like they are being censored and told what to say. The other group feels like they have the right to express themselves in any way.

This conflict is not new, and it will not be solved anytime soon. It is about how far we should go with political correctness and how much freedom of speech we should have, even if it means offending others.

The Importance of Communication

Political correctness is a term that has been thrown around a lot in recent years. It is important to note that it is not about being polite but also about being aware of the impact of words and actions.

Communication skills are essential for success in any career and are necessary for political correctness. To be politically correct, one must communicate with others while not offending them.

Good communication skills allow people to express themselves without hurting someone else’s feelings or making them feel excluded. They enable people to listen and understand each other better, leading to more productive conversations and less conflict.

Political correctness is about more than using the right words; it is also about understanding the power of communication. When we use our words and actions wisely, we can create a more inclusive world for everyone.

Is Political Correctness dishonest?

No, political correctness is not dishonest. It is simply a way of ensuring that our words and actions do not intentionally hurt or offend others.

When we are politically correct, we are respectful and considerate of others.

Some people may view political correctness as “dishonest” because they feel it censors their ability to express themselves. But, remember that political correctness is about more than avoiding offensive language. It is about creating an inclusive environment for everyone.

When we use foul language, we exclude certain groups of people and make them feel unwelcome. We are also reinforcing negative stereotypes.

Political correctness is not about being perfect; it is about being respectful and inclusive. We all make mistakes, but the key is to learn from them and do better in the future.

Political correctness is about understanding and respecting the diversity of our world. It is about creating an environment where everyone feels safe and included. When we are politically correct, we message that we value others and their opinions.

Objectives and values.

You are politically correct if you avoid offensive words and make no assumptions about someone’s background or experiences.

Inclusivity and respect are two of the pillars of political correctness.

Respectful communication involves active listening, being open-minded, and considering others. It also requires an understanding of different cultures and backgrounds.

Inclusive communication goes one step further by ensuring that everyone feels included and respected. This might mean using other words or phrases or making sure that everyone has a chance to take part in a conversation.

Being inclusive and respectful are essential values to uphold, but they can sometimes be challenging to achieve.

Honesty and Disclosure.

Being honest about your thoughts and feelings is an integral part of respectful communication.

There are also times when honesty is not the best policy. If you know that something you are about to say might hurt someone’s feelings, it is best to keep it to yourself.

If you are not sure how someone will react to something you want to say, it is always better to err on the side of caution.

The bottom line is that being honest is important, but being considerate of others is important also. Sometimes, the two values conflict, and you will have to make a judgment call about which one is more important for you in the situation.


Political correctness is about balancing being respectful and inclusive of others and maintaining your integrity and values.

You do not have to agree with everything someone says to be respectful. You also do not have to give up your own beliefs to be inclusive.

The goal is to find a middle ground where you can express yourself without hurting or offending others. This might mean listening more than you talk or being more aware of how you communicate with others.

What are the Best Practices for Being Respectful but Not Politically Correct?

The best way to be respectful but not politically correct is to be mindful of the words that you choose. It is essential to understand the meaning behind each word and use them accordingly.

Some people might find it hard to understand why a word might be considered offensive in one context but not in another.

For example, saying “retarded” can be cruel when referring to a person with a disability. Still, it may not have the same effect when referring to someone’s work or idea as “stupid.” The key is knowing how each word affects the people around you and using different words.

It is also essential to be aware of your tone when speaking to others. If you are speaking in a condescending or hostile manner, it is more likely that your words will be taken the wrong way.

Finally, remember that respectful communication is a two-way street. If you want to be respected by others, you need to show them the same courtesy. This means listening to what they have to say and being open to different points of view.

The main difference between someone who strives to be respectful is that you need to consider others in the equation to achieve that. The world isn’t only about you.

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This article appeared first in Substack’s Beyond Two Cents.



Alejandro Betancourt
Bottomline Talks

Entrepreneur, Investor, Executive Coach & Author. Single Dad sharing insights on Mindset, Philosophy, and Self-Improvement.