Bottos Masternode Reward Details

Bottos AI
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2018

Hello everyone, as the super-node campaign settles, many users are particularly concerned about the revenue of the nodes. Therefore, we specially present a detailed description of the “node gains” for both hands.

The Bottos node campaign has had 49 nodes successfully selected, including 29 production nodes and 20 standby nodes. The 49 nodes will become an important support for the future Bottos public blockchain ecosystem, and each project in it needs to give the nodes some incentives to use their resources. The first project to give node incentives, Datanno, will deliver a total of 36% of DTOs, or 3.6 billion DTOs for node mining (75% use block rewards, 8.33% as alternative node rewards, and 16.67% as voting incentive). The delivery rate is attenuated annually by the formula. It is expected to be completed in 16 years.

The specific formula is as follows:

Explanation: i indicates the i-year, Vi indicates the delivery rate of the i-th year.

λi is the adjustment factor of the i-th year, ranging from 0.5 to 1.5, and can be adjusted according to the consensus of the community. The default is 1.

The reference data is as follows:

Node revenue (the following is the first year as an example):

Total rewards for each part:

Production node reward composition

  1. Annual awards (450 million / 29 = 15.51272 million);
  2. Number of votes (100,000* votes/total number of votes for all nodes).

Spare node reward composition

  1. Annual awards (50 million / 20 = 2.5 million);
  2. Number of votes (100,000* votes/total number of votes for all nodes).

Example of revenue for each node in the first year (take the current number of votes as an example)

The above is a detailed explanation of the first phase about node revenue, please look up to the follow-up ecosystem project to continuously discover the node incentives. If you still have questions, you can add Bottos assistant personal WeChat: bottosyes, there will be a Bottos assistant for you for a “one-on-one” Q & A.

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