Bottos Project X Tasks Platform User Guide

Bottos AI
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018

The Project X program is designed to allow the Bottos community to promote Bottos in an efficient manner while getting paid to assist. Each point is worth 30 DTO(DTO is the first DApp token on the Bottos platform. We are looking for it to be listed late Q4, estimated price is currently $0.007)

First, please join this Telegram chat for Bottos’ Project X:

  1. Website Registration — Next register an account at

Make sure to add your Telegram username WITHOUT the “@” symbol. “ERC20 Address” should be an Ethereum address that you hold the private keys to, DO NOT USE exchange addresses. Once you submit your registration an admin will approve your account within 24 hours.

2. Open Tasks — After you login you will be presented with this page:

Open tasks will be at the top. Click the blue “Visit url” button to complete the task then take a screenshot of the completed task. These steps will be more or less the same for translations as well.

3. Submit Proof — Next you will need to submit proof by uploading the screenshot you just took. Here is my screenshot of the tweet showing I liked it and retweeted it:

Click the green “Submit proof” button to the right of the task you are working on:

Click the green “Submit proof” button to upload your screenshot.

Now upload your proof of completion, in this case it’s the screenshot of the like and retweet that is shared above. Choose the screenshot by clicking “Choose file”, find your screenshot on your computer, type a comment if you wish, and click the blue “Submit proof” button:

If you did everything correctly you will see the task show under “Completed Tasks”:

You will also see a “Pending approval” tag, this will be updated to “Approved” after auditing reviews your submission and approves it. Your “Total points earned” section in the top right corner of this screenshot will also update:

That’s it for now! We will be adding new features in the future. If you have any questions or comments please reach out to us on our social channels.

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Bottos AI
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Bottos - A Decentralized AI Data Sharing Network