Differences Between Bottos and EOS DPOS Voting

Bottos AI
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018

We have had some community members bring up concerns about our DPOS system and the main question is, “How will we keep the block producing nodes from becoming centralized like EOS?”

Let’s dive into the differences…

Even though Bottos and EOS may seem to use the same voting mechanism at a superficial level, we employ substantially different voting mechanisms. In fact, whereas EOS token can be used to vote for up to 30 different block producer candidates, with each token representing 1 vote per block producer (BP), or up to 30 different BP votes per token, Bottos allows just one and only one vote per user, that way trying to keep everything as simple and secure as possible.

Another main difference is the ability to delegate votes. Whereas EOS allows the vote to be proxied or delegated to other accounts, Bottos does not allow it. The vote must be unique and personal. Moreover, once casted the vote it is impossible to take it back, thus pushing for a deeper consideration to whom give the vote.

All said, Bottos and EOS are two completely different projects, and should not be confused as being equal in any way.

If you have any further questions please reach out to us on Telegram: https://t.me/bottosworld

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