MetaMask Plugin Guide for Chrome

Bottos AI
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2017

We recommend our token purchasers to use the MetaMask Chrome plugin. MetaMask is an Ethereum extension for your Chrome browser and can be used to create a digital wallet and have it stored on your favorite devices. By using MetaMask you have access to your wallet and can send and receive coins. Because it is an Ethereum extension it can be used for the Bottos’ BTO tokens and previous ETH purchases as well.

Step 1: Find And Download Plugin

In order to install MetaMask visit the Chrome Web Store: Click “ADD TO CHROME” and agree to adding the extension to your Chrome browser.

Step 2: Plugin Activation

As soon as the download has finished, find the MetaMask icon at the top right corner of your browser window. Click the MetaMask icon, click “accept” as soon as the privacy note comes up to proceed. Do the same for the terms and conditions in the next window.

Step 3: Account Creation

Now you are asked to create a password for the creation of your MetaMask account.
As soon as you have created a password click “create” and start using your MetaMask plugin.

Step 4: Seed Words

MetaMask will now provide you with a list of so-called seed words. Copy these and keep them in a safe place or simply download the words as a file. These words will be the only way to regain access to your account once you need to restore it.

Step 5: Account

Congrats! You have now successfully created your MetaMask Ethereum account and are ready to start using it. As illustrated in the screenshot, you are now able to buy ETH and take part in the BTO crowd sale.



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