Weekly Update 11/20/2017

Bottos AI
1 min readDec 7, 2017


  1. The Bottos beta version V1.1 was released according to the original design last week.
    - Most coding work done
    - Front-end system successfully debugged
    - Basic internal testing process testing done with an end to end business process

2. Introduction of Bottos beta version 1.1 basic functions:
- User registration & management
- Data requirement release
- Data asset registration
- Data trading
- Other basic functions

3. The problem of call stack from smart contract is resolved.
The problem was resolved when the virtual machine executed the depth and storage of call stack. The R&D team optimized the system calls and transaction contract calls. The data trading transactions can now be automatically completed in the Blockchain.

Next Week:

  1. Further business logic optimization
    2. Code structure optimization
    3. Front logic adjustment and optimization
    4. English version release
    5. Bottos beta version 1.1 released on Ethereum testing network

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Bottos AI
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Bottos - A Decentralized AI Data Sharing Network