The Working Mother’s Year

Jesse Lawrence
Boulder Bits
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2017

I just want to send a shout out to all the working moms. I know it is a few days after Mother’s Day, but we appreciate you no less. At Boulder Bits, we even think you should be celebrated during the workday, not just on the weekend.

Sarah, our fearless COO, brings her daughter Scarlett into work on occasion. I love that Scarlett can experience a workplace where fierce women make a difference. It reminds me of when my mom used to bring me into work. I learned so much from those days and know that it positively impacted me.

Last night, my amazing wife, Kristin Lawrence, gave an awesome pitch to help build Science Galaxy — the innovator’s play space. Our daughter was so empowered from watching her mother that her feet nearly levitated off the ground. I am so grateful that Kristin can give that to our daughter.

Just yesterday, my mother reached out to me, giving me HR advice that will be useful for Boulder Bits. Her advice was not to just measure potential based on what people are capable of doing, but by what they will do. It’s great advice. Amazingly talented people often flounder because they don’t have the desire, grit, or stamina for greatness.

At Boulder Bits, we’re in the process of spinning out our second startup aimed at helping moms. Tactac helps women receive and share shopping advice with their friends. In particular, moms have so much experience to share with each other. Without a strong female perspective at Boulder Bits, Tactac wouldn’t exist.

This is just another example of how important the female perspective is for the workspace. There’s no way we could exist without it.

Happy Working Mother’s Year!

Fun Bits:

This opinion piece from Forbes encourages working mothers to stop feeling guilty for doing both. We agree wholeheartedly.

Looking for encouragement? This article cites studies showing that a working mother in the family is beneficial, and appreciated, by the kids.

Originally published on May 18th, 2017 on our previous blog.



Jesse Lawrence
Boulder Bits

Author, Father, Entrepreneur, Scientist, Resilient Animal