Relevant Lessons to Bring this 2021

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2 min readJan 10, 2021

2020 came with many unwanted surprises. But with everything that happened also came lessons that we can apply in our lives during the present year.

Here are a few things we have learned in the past year:

Be Grateful

Everyday We learned that it only takes one event to change our lives for a long time. We learned that everything is temporary and stability isn’t guaranteed. That is why it’s important to appreciate what we have and the people we’re with. We learned to be grateful for every moment and focus on the present because every second that we’re alive is a blessing.

Selfcare is Important

We recognized that it’s important to take care of ourselves — have some exercise, take some vitamins, cope up with stress, and find time to have adequate rest. We realized that self-care is important because it doesn’t just affect ourselves. A healthy body and mind help us serve and love other people better.

The Value of Human Connection

The lockdowns have caused us to be separated from each other and gave us enough time to introspect. It showed us the value of human connection, of being physically together, and helped us realize what we often take for granted. It pushed us to see that we can’t live in isolation forever, and we always need each other as a society.

Boredom Isn’t So Bad

2020 is a year when we learned new passions or went back to old hobbies. We took the time to find the things that excite us whether it’s a dozen plants, Dalgona coffee, baking, or simply cooking new recipes. Out of boredom, we tried new hobbies and stuck with the ones that helped us cope with the unending negative news.

Embrace Change

The pandemic is an eye-opener that we need to embrace change. Masks, face shields, and hand sanitizers became the norm. Work from home jobs has been slowly normalized. E-learning paved its way through our education system. Businesses transitioned to online stores. We learned that we need to pivot and adapt to the changes around us for us to survive.

Growth and Survival

Finally, we learned that life is not about our career, the places we’ve been, the books we’ve read, or the temporary things that we try to measure our success with. We stop putting our value on the material things that we accomplished — things that will ultimately fade. We learned that in order for us to grow; we need first to survive. What’s important is that we’re alive because when we’re alive, there’s so much we can do.

How about you? What did you learn last year? Don’t be afraid to share in the comments below.



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