Survive and Thrive: Two Stages of Personal Healing Journey

Micah Grace Rico
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2023

Healing is a journey that can take many forms, and it is often not a linear path. However, there are two stages that many people go through as they try to heal from a painful life experience. These stages describe the process of moving from a state of merely surviving or getting through the day to actively thriving and growing after facing pain and trauma. In connection with BNCEBACK’s latest new collection called Survive and Thrive, we will explore the two stages of personal healing together with some tips on how to navigate them successfully.

Stage One: Survive

We’d like to call the first stage of personal healing — surviving. During this period, the focus is on taking care of basic needs while healing. This can be a challenging stage because it can feel like you are just trying to get through each day without falling apart. However, it is an essential phase because it lays the foundation for further growth and healing.

Some of the key tasks during this stage include:

  • Addressing physical and emotional needs: This may involve seeking medical care, getting enough sleep and exercise, and eating a healthy diet. It may also involve seeking therapy or counseling to address emotional pain and trauma.
  • Creating a safe environment for you to heal: It is important that as you heal that you create boundaries with toxic people and develop a support system of people who can help you through this difficult time. Surround yourself with individuals who can be your safe space and will encourage you as you go through this difficult journey.
  • Finding healthy mechanisms: Developing healthy coping mechanisms is crucial when you’re dealing with stress and trauma to prevent yourself from resorting to negative coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse. Healthy mechanisms can include meditation, journaling, art therapy, going out with a friend, and enjoying the beauty of nature.
  • Practicing Self-Compassion: It’s important to realize that healing is a process, and it’s okay to make mistakes or have setbacks along the way. Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Always remember that healing takes time, and healing is a process.

Stage Two: Thrive

During this stage, the focus shifts from merely surviving to actively growing despite the pain. This is an exciting stage because it involves discovering new aspects of yourself, exploring new opportunities, and finding joy and purpose in life again.

Some important tips that may be able to help you during this stage include:

  • Setting goals: This may involve setting both short-term and long-term goals for yourself, such as starting a new career, traveling, or pursuing a new hobby. Having goals allows you to look forward to the future and consistently work for it in the present. Living beyond survival means allowing yourself to have dreams that go beyond fulfilling your basic needs.
  • Developing resilience: Learning how to bounce back from setbacks and challenges can help you thrive. It is necessary to develop a growth mindset that allows you to see challenges as opportunities for growth. Resiliency allows you to see the positive without disregarding the pain you’ve been through. Growth starts from having the right perspective and being resilient allows you to be strong as you adapt yourself to the new period in your life.
  • Cultivating positive relationships: Try to build new friendships and seek meaningful connections. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Having a community that pushes you to be better and challenges you to achieve more in life is vital to growth. Find your tribe and grow with them.
  • Find your purpose and create a meaningful life: There’s more to life than merely working and doing the same activities every day. Ask yourself what are the things that make your life worth living. Discover your passions and pursue activities that give your life meaning and purpose. Don’t deprive yourself of doing the things that bring joy and fulfillment in your life.

Navigating the Healing Journey

Navigating the healing journey is never easy, but it is possible to move from surviving to thriving. Remember that healing is a process so don’t need to pressure yourself to be okay in a short amount of time.

Be patient with your journey and seek support from your family, friends, therapist, counselor, or support group when you need it. Remember that you are not alone. Many people have gone through similar experiences. They understand your struggles and are rooting for your happiness and success.

In conclusion, while the journey toward healing may be challenging, it is possible to navigate it successfully with patience and self-compassion. Just remember to take small steps and combine them with the belief that you are capable of bouncing back stronger. Survive, but most importantly, thrive!



Micah Grace Rico

A digital content creator with a passion for writing and drive to help businesses grow.