Bounce: one year in

Alastair Byrne


The beginning

One year ago, we filed the paperwork with Companies House that officially made Bounce into a business. Back then, were just two great friends who wanted to make an impact on the world, and to help people fulfil their potential and get the most out of life.

The first version of Bounce was a simple two-week course with just two exercises, each of which our users would do every day for a week before moving on to the next one. We had reminders, but there was no way to choose when they’d arrive. There were no daily goals, no streaks, no way to see your progress, no real way for us to get feedback from our users, or even to measure much of what they were doing, and certainly no way to sign up as part of a corporate wellbeing package. In total, we had about 20 users.

The journey so far

Since then, over 800 people from more than 30 countries have signed up to Bounce — nearly all of them in the 7 months since November. Our users have done nearly 2,500 exercises in the last 3 months alone. In an impact trial with Brandwatch earlier this year, we found that using Bounce for 4 weeks gave double-digit percentage improvements in metrics for resilience, stress, anxiety and depression. We’ve won innovation awards. It’s fair to say we’ve come a long way since that first version.

We’ve learned a tremendous amount along the way about everything from contract law to behavioural psychology, from financial modelling to sales and marketing, from user experience design to running production-ready software. And we don’t intend to stop.

It’s been a great year, but it feels like we’re only really getting started. We’re on the verge of closing our first B2B contract. We’ve made our first hires in the form of two amazing interns who’ll be joining us over the summer. And we’ve started our investment journey towards raising an angel round that will help us grow our team and get Bounce in as many people’s hands as possible.

The road ahead

Our mission hasn’t changed since that day one year ago. We set out to inspire and support everyone to better look after their mental health, and thanks to our users, our mentors, our friends and our families, we’re well on our way towards building something great.

We can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for us.

Try Bounce for free at, and get in touch at



Alastair Byrne
Editor for

Co-founder and CTO of Bounce Technologies Limited