Bounce, the start of the journey to better mental health



Bounce was started by Alastair and I, two friends who wanted to change the way people look at, and act about, mental health. A large number of our friends, family and close ones were suffering from mental health issues, and we found that solutions were often reactive, heavy handed and hard to access. We wanted to create something better. We wanted to create something that would take a preventative approach to mental health, while being simple, easy to access and available to anyone, anywhere at anytime. We wanted a solution that is fun and engaging, while removing some of the stigma surrounding mental health. Everyone has mental health and everyone needs to look after it. Finally, we wanted our work to be based on science and help push the boundaries of mental health research.


We have a bold mission:

“To inspire and support everyone to better look after their mental health”

This is our North Star and everything we create, develop and do is underpinned by this mission. It helps us make better decisions, inspire people who work with us and provides a clear purpose for our company. It helps us challenge our own thinking, while at the same time encourages other people to challenge us.


Alastair and I have a background in Computer Science and Engineering. We used our expertise to build a AI guided resilience coach, a bot that walks you through exercises shown to improve resilience, and helps you make looking after your mental wellbeing a daily habit. The bot helps you take steps towards building a happier, healthy and stronger mind by walking you through science-based exercises, you can do in minutes — anywhere, and at anytime. It is also completely anonymous, as it is a bot!! So no need to worry about what other people are going to think or say. Feel free to try it out at:, and feel free to give us your feedback at: or even just say hi to us, we are always happy to hear from people using our product!

Have a great day,

Chris and Alastair — Co-founders of Bounce



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Crazy about technology, digital, sustainability, creating wacky things, having fun, meeting open minded creative intellects and exploring the world.