Before Ogling the Foreign Land, Know Your Own Sand

Why reading up on local history is much more satisfying

Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


Photo by Tiago Rosado on Unsplash

I was born in a country burgeoning with immense potential. Its history too, backs up what could be achieved within the boundaries of this nation.

Hence, I decided, why not read up on Indian history?

Actually, I got bored reading the world history giving the larger stage to the Greeks and the Romans and ultimately the Europeans while just touching upon the Asians. That’s when I thought about switching to the East for a change. And I’m glad I did because what emerged was a beautiful and thrilling insight into my own country. The places I have visited and seen with my own eyes. Learning about their past was quite something.

As a bonus, it provided me with fun trivia to my friends’ annoyance. Considering my pedantic behavior, they have decided to gift me a door sign saying “Do not enter. Nerd in progress”.

I reciprocated the generosity with the return gift “Do not enter. Turd in progress”.

I read the book ‘The Story of Our Food’ by K T Achaya. Due to network issues, I can’t upload the photo of the cover, but it basically shows Indian food alongside cave paintings with the title in the centre. Come on, imagine! In all likelihood, you will come up with a better visual of the cover.

I also read ‘The Incredible History of India’s Geography’ by Sanjeev Sanyal. The cover shows a map of India displaying the seven ancient rivers with the title obscuring the map so that people don’t spend much time staring at the map and turn the page instead. Perhaps.

I’m cheerful beyond expectation after completing both these works. I have been missing out on so much. So much of tumultuous past. So much of interesting trivia. So much of relatedness. So much of evidence that my ex belongs to the medieval period.

The feeling you get when you realize that the same road you have been walking down everyday to work is connected with crucial historical events, is surreal.

To think that the same road was used by the Mughal caravans, hundreds of years before.

To think that the major highways connecting North-South and East-West have been there for a millennium. We drive on those very roads even today.

However greener the other side might seem, never ever ignore your own land. In all likelihood, there is a piece of history quite enthralling buried underneath.

To scour through one’s way, unearthing the etymology of various delicacies eaten all over the country, to know their origin and how they came into being the way we see them today, all of it makes for entertainment along with information best paired with popcorn.

There is an unending universe of trivia standing in the backstage of history. And to have a rendezvous with it is a blessing.

For me at least.




Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

DoctorđŸ©ș Evolution| Zoology| History| Medicine| Psychology| Etymology❀ When I have nothing in mind, I read. When I have too much in mind, I write.