Championing Humanity: Embracing Unity Beyond Division

Shattering the Illusion of Sides

Photo by Richard Felix on Unsplash

My heart aches like never before, shattered into a million pieces as I gently tuck my little one into bed. With cautious steps, I exit the room, hoping for an undisturbed night’s rest for her. But as I switch on the news, the horror rips through me once more. The screen floods with gut-wrenching scenes — bombings, lives slipping away, grief-stricken mothers, bewildered children, and powerless men.

And here I sit, guilt clawing at my chest for having the luxury to switch it off, to shield myself from the pain, while feeling compelled to share the rage bubbling inside me. But it’s not the same for those on the other side of the world. They can’t escape it; they have no choice.

Why can’t the powers-that-be feel what we’re feeling — the rage, the shock, the desperation to implore, if need be, to end this madness, this genocide masquerading as “conflict”?

This isn’t a conflict. This isn’t war. You can’t silence conflict with more conflict. The toll on both “sides” is unforgivable. 1400 Israelis in a single day, 2700 Palestinians, including over 700 children. These aren’t faceless entities; they are innocent, helpless HUMANS, many of them just children. It pains me to even write these words.

Why do some insist on pitting people against each other? What “sides” are they even talking about? There’s no side to choose here. No one should suffer such a brutal fate. No one should live in constant fear. No child should be robbed of their childhood. No expectant mother should dread bringing life into this world. No man and woman should fear that the home they have built with love could crumble any moment. No mother should have to worry if her child will see another day. No one deserves this brutality.

In this day and age, is there truly no alternative to end this horror? Is this truly necessary? How can we simply go about our lives while others live in fear, despair, praying to survive each day?

They say every tunnel has a glimmer of hope. I desperately cling to that thought, yearning for the light at the end of this dreadful tunnel to shine through soon. I pray for an end to this heart-wrenching turmoil. My hope persists that we, the ordinary people, will remain united, standing for humanity, with no division in sight.

Humanity must transcend all else, no choice can be greater than that.

As I sit here, my heart heavy with the weight of the world’s suffering, I am reminded of the profound privilege I possess. But it’s not a privilege I wish to hoard; it’s one I yearn to share with every person on this planet.

In the face of such anguish, we must reflect on the choices we make and the actions we take. Let us unite not just in empathy but in purpose, working tirelessly to ensure that every soul, every child, every family, regardless of their circumstances, can enjoy the fundamental rights of life, peace, and security.

The question lingers — how can we collectively, as one human family, make this a reality for all?



Priyal G | Mom, Writer, Dreamer and Believer
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

New mom and aspiring wordsmith, passionate about crafting engaging content that inspires. Join me on my writing journey as I balance motherhood and creativity.