Common Side Effects of Not Drinking

Surbhi Mithil
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
8 min readSep 14, 2024


Image Provided By Author Who Assumes All Legal Liability

In general, do you know one of those annoying people that when you see them around you wish you did not see them? They reject the dessert not in order to diet, no no, they just stated that sweets are not effective for them in any way. Oh really! You say, Good for you! The reason is that sometimes what you really want to say is Fuck off.

Maybe it’s true for everyone, but for me, I can say that I am that person, but with alcohol. So let me assure you, it works wonders and challenges for me at the same time since I am here to tell you the story. If your dry September is going great and you consider making it dry October, too, then keep on reading.

A year and a half ago, one of my friends sent me this useful, truthful post about any amount of alcohol and its impact on your brain and body. This being my first time to reach the landmark ‘wise’ age of thirty or as some would describe it ‘the age where you have less fucks to give’, I pondered, ’why do I drink’ and ‘what would happen to me if I did not’? And then I stopped.

You know how it goes from there People fake and pretend and get lost in the lie, they forget the reasons they chose it. I felt great, I saved money, ‘I often regretted drinking but I never regretted not drinking’ and so on. It’s all true.



Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

Published in Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs’ newest sister publication. We love Renegade Writing.

Surbhi Mithil
Surbhi Mithil

Written by Surbhi Mithil

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