Green Tea Astrology: The Month of October

Michele Simmons
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
2 min readOct 4, 2023
Priscilla Du Preez for Unsplash

This month your work will be in the public eye or on display somehow. Each of us is the main character in our movie. The first week of October, the details have never been so important and we may grow tired of them as we want to simply be who we are already. Patience is a virtue.

There are benefits to moving slowly. Keep an eye on the little things. Relationships will require more TLC while actions will require a more disciplined approach. A good self care regimen at home, including what we eat, will help us maintain the balance between rigidity and spontaneity.

The second week pushes us forward. Imagine walking up a disappearing staircase. Planetary alignments are narrowing our options. Every step forward brings us closer to our individual goals; it also means that there is no turning back. Destinations are set.

By the end of the week we will see just how our relationships with people and money have benefited from our actions. We’ll also see how our bodies are starting to respond to heightened self care. Any situation that hasn’t been going in your favor will be by the third week of this month.

The third week of the month is bound to be a fire starter. Eclipse energy is always bound to shake things up a bit. Fairness and justice are at the forefront of all conduct this week. If we are in the right, trust the situation to go in our favor. Also, it will be easier to see both sides of the story, even if one side is more clear.

We will be very prone to chit chat and be flirty. Embrace the energy. Feel beautiful. We are likely to all be glowing so compliment and be complimented in return. A balance in communication will allow us to release any grudges moving into this full moon.

The last bit of October brings any hidden agendas that aren’t for the good of everyone into the light. There just isn’t much room in this planetary transit for liars and secrets. The foundation of relationships, organizations, contracts, even buildings has to be solid and finely tuned; weaknesses will be fatal.

The full moon on the 28th will be a good time to exercise our throat chakras by singing so a house party or karaoke night is just what we need to release any pent up negativity and manifest love and beauty in our lives. It’s also a good time to give any gently used items we no longer need to charity. The energy of the lunar eclipse at the end of the month could make mountains from earthquakes so speak words of kindness and peace.

If you still feel a way come November 1st, address it then. For more personalized horoscopes, email

