Here’s Why You Should Prioritize People’s Mindset Over Their Age

How Should You Evaluate People?

Old Acc
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
4 min readJun 30, 2024


I think we as a society need to stop putting way too much emphasis on age when it comes to evaluating and judging others.

Photo by Rebrand Cities:

Many of us tend to make age the main benchmark for assessing the quality and credibility of individuals.

Most of the time, we do this subconsciously, whether it’s towards average people who we randomly encounter every day or towards those who are pursuing high positions of power.

Of course, I agree that age is important when judging people, but it definitely shouldn’t be the ultimate factor. This should instead be people’s mindset.

For me, it doesn’t really matter how young people are. What truly matters is whether or not they have a rational, pragmatic, and mature mindset.

Does Being Older Mean You Make Smarter, Wiser Decisions?

All this while, our default way of thinking has been that those of senior age are wiser and more experienced than those who are younger.

And while that may be true overall, we must also consider several other relevant truths regarding people in general.

For one, you can’t deny that many people who are old have some negative, regressive, and outdated mindsets and beliefs that clash with the current way of thinking in our modern society. A lot of these are mostly influenced by culture and religion.

Also, I believe that some of us subconsciously realize that just because some people are of senior age, it doesn’t necessarily mean that compared to those who are younger, they:

  • We are much less easily influenced by our inherent negative characteristics as human beings.
  • Naturally, make wiser and more rational decisions in their lives.

The problem here is that we don’t think about such awareness enough and apply it whenever we’re judging or evaluating others.

In some situations, this isn’t much of a problem. But in others, the way we judge people holds a lot of weight and can cause major problems if done misguidedly.

Are We Asking The Relevant Questions?

Photo by Sora Shimazaki:

When we’re evaluating people for positions of power, rather than prioritizing their age and supposed level of experience, we should instead determine other more important aspects of their character, such as:

  1. What are their basic principles in life?
  2. What type of ideology do they believe in?
  3. Are they more altruistic or more self-serving?
  4. What would they likely do if given access to a lot of wealth and/or power?
  5. For what purposes do they utilize their wisdom and experience?

Such factors are way more important than the individual’s age!

If given a choice between electing an elderly individual with unfavourable qualities based on the above factors vs someone much younger with noble, moral qualities, I’m sure we’d all go for the latter option.

We Want Leaders With New, Fresh Ideas!

There is some controversy in terms of evaluating and voting for politicians based on their age vs their mindset.

I’m sure many of us eagerly want our countries to be led by younger individuals and are sick and tired of the same old faces of senior age who have been on the scene for far too long.

We want the younger generation to lead our countries because we view them as being more radical, progressive, and having fresh ideas to solve the problems inherent in our societies.

We’ve become fed up with our old politicians who have failed to solve numerous pressing issues that we average citizens are forced to deal with. This is the case in my own country where people are yearning for newer leaders.

So basically, more of us perceive the younger generation as having a much better mindset to be our leaders and hence, we want a change.

Photo by August de Richelieu:

The Need To Decide Wisely

This just shows how crucial it is for us to vote wisely for our politicians based on their mindsets rather than their age.

If we don’t pay enough attention to the important character aspects listed above and instead mainly focus on age and the supposed wisdom associated with it, we’ll end up electing self-serving leaders who are harmful to our society.

And to be honest, there are a lot of such leaders around the world today who are old and have a lot of destructive traits. These individuals don’t deserve to be in positions of power!

I think it’s time we start prioritizing mindset over age whenever we evaluate or judge others.

This is how we can make smarter as well as more progressive decisions as a society.

With this approach, we can elect leaders who actually deserve to lead and be in positions of power.

What do you guys think about this topic? Do you agree with my points?

Do let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

Copyright Raveen Jeyakumar, 2024. All rights reserved.

