How Long Do Coffee Beans Last?

Have you just purchased freshly roasted coffee beans for yourself?

Surbhi Mithil
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


Photo by Gabriel Meinert on Unsplash

That is why learning about how and where to store them can be the key to the best-tasting beverage — everything you might need to know, and just as importantly, everything you should avoid.

Whether you are an experienced subscriber to your local roaster or completely new to the world of freshly brewed coffee, knowledge of how and where to store your coffee beans is the first step towards making a good cup of coffee.

You might have purchased one of the most popular coffee machines out there and source the freshest coffee beans possible but freshness will always enhance the taste, a cup of coffee that lacks flavor comes down to poor storage.

More UK households are now own some type of coffee machine than ever before, as revealed by the World Coffee Portal’s Coffee At Home UK Report 2023; therefore it will not be far-fetched to say that the desire for specialist coffee beans is on the rise. Moreover, the frequency of the queries such as “how to store coffee beans” has grown by 70% since March 2024 in Google.

The good news is that once you have understood how to properly store your beans you do not have to complicate the process. If you take anything away from this guide, let it be…

