How To Win Ex Back| Psychic Seduction |No BS Approach

Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
12 min readAug 23, 2024

Breakups suck big time.

Who has never experienced a breakup?

We all have been there!

I don’t care whether one is a celebrity or a billionaire; we all suffer the pangs of breakup pain.

Breakups are not easy, no matter how tough you think you are.

I have dealt with plenty of them, and my friends would be telling me,

“Just move on, man.”

“I would be thinking to myself, shut the fuck up. I love her.”

Besides losing a loved one, breakups are among the most painful experiences we experience as humans.

In this post, I share….
#1.A story about a breakup I once experienced and how I used psychic seduction to try and win her back,

#2.Five ways to get on the other side of your breakup better before you can win them easier using psychic seduction.

Without wasting time…

Let's dive!

Dating An Ex-Girlfriend Of A Celebrity Dancer..

Come with me, let’s take a time travel to one of my devastating breakups that opened up my eyes on how to use psychic seduction properly to win an ex back..

It was in 2018, when I walking around inside the mall and saw a beautiful woman who was walking by herself doing some window shopping.

She resembled the exact type of the kind of type of woman I like.

She was sexy and blew my mind off literally.

I didn’t think twice..

I left some stuff I was carrying with my cousin and went over to her.

I introduced myself….blah blah..

I realized she was open to my advances. We exchanged numbers and hugged each other before I vanished as I had come.

The very same night we started texting over WhatsApp.

When I got to know her better, I figured she was still in love with her ex baby daddy who happened to be a famous dancer in my country.

I didn’t care much about that because I actually liked her.

Over time our relationship turned toxic because of her obsession with him because apparently he had cheated and treated her bad blah blah..

To cut a long story short, I eventually dumped her for good after a year of a string of breakups that were all initiated by me, with her begging me several times to give her a chance to heal.

Even though I knew she was not in a good mental space to be a good girlfriend, but still, it didn’t make breaking up any easier.

During our breakup the heartache got worse,I then tried winning her back using psychic seduction, but I would learn a lot later about winning an ex back using psychic seduction when I had a conversation with her (later in this post).

If you are thinking about using psychic seduction to win back your ex, you may consider what I did to get better as a person instead of obsessing about someone who was still caught up in her past.

Then, when you have gone through your own evolution, you may consider using it to win them back if you think your relationship is worth saving.

Is The Relationship Worth Saving?

First things first, you must ask the questions below to decide if your relationship is worth saving.

#1. Why Did We Breakup?

What happened?

The circumstances under which you broke up matter a lot.

Did they cheat?

Do you know their past when it comes to relationships?

How did they treat you?

All these questions you must answer with honesty because they not only matter but they also help you to avoid wasting time.

#2. Am I lonely, Maybe?

Wanting to win an ex because of loneliness is a bad idea.

Stop and assess where this desire for winning them back comes from — is it from a state of scarcity or abundance?

You sure don’t want to take decisions based on lack because you end up dealing with BS that is not worth your time!

#3. Are We Compatible?

What value does your ex add to your life?

Do you see long-term companionship?

Are they someone who can help fan your passions and light a candle in your darkest hours, or are they someone who never see the greatness in you?

My ex thought I should be a dancer too, like her baby daddy, because she never saw my own greatness.

Does your ex appreciate who you are and even your weirdness?

#4: How Did I treat Them?

Were you expecting your ex to be a perfect person while you treated them like fluff?

Unfortunately, if you can’t see your own shortcomings, you can’t evolve.

The truth is, even when you win them back, you are still going to be exactly who you were before you broke up.

Yes, you aren’t going to dramatically change your entire personality just because you two were apart for a while; however, when you acknowledge your own flaws and are willing to improve them, you are ready to win them back.

You must ask these tough questions before deciding to invest your time and emotions because it’s a heavy price to pay, my friend.

If you can’t answer these questions with conviction, then are they really worth the chase?

You know the answer!

The list of such questions goes on and on.

The gist of the matter is…

Be true to yourself and make decisions that elevate your life toward a better life!

If…..going through the above list, your answers are giving you the green light, then read on, this is a good signal to consider winning them back practicing psychic seduction.

I am not here to tell you to let your ex slide if you still want them.

Some relationships are salvageable; just because you broke up doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed.

It’s possible to win your ex back, provided you didn’t burn the bridges to the ground.

In such a case, winning them back needs some deft and expertise.

My wealth of experiences have taught me the five steps below that work, before putting a cherry on top using psychic seduction.

#1: Vanish (No Contact Rule).

Yes, vanish from their life (at least for a while)!

It’s human nature to
want what we cannot have.

You have to vanish from your ex’s life to ignite their chasing instincts.

By pulling back, you are opening a void that only you can fill.

This will make them want you back, even when they may resist that urge.

You have to give them the time and space to realize that you are gone for good; if you don’t, they’ll never miss you, and if they never miss you, they’ll never come back.

They cannot yearn for you if you are always available, telling them how much you miss them and how much you care.

Taking this strategic pullback is a tactic.

It will force them to reflect back on your good memories.

It will dawn on them what life feels like without you, and it is during such times that their ego gives way to the yearnings of the soul.

If your ex values the relationship, they will be propelled to reach out to you.

Either way, by taking this pullback, you are giving them the space to solve that by themselves without appearing desperate.

Trust me, you don’t have to chase them to get them back.

If you can’t resist the urge to chase them either by calling,delete their number, you have to cut all ties if this is to work, at least for a certain period.

If you have fears that your ex will replace you, then do you think they really cared for you in the first place?

This is the time where you must have an abundance mentality and believe in your own worth, even if it means losing them for good!

If you had a strong connection, they probably would not replace you that easily; instead, they too are dealing with the pain.

Take the right decision and pull back.

Let them wonder what you are up to, and you should be up to something not for them but for yourself, for your own happiness and evolution.

Take this decision now!

Reclaim your power!

#2. Recreate yourself.

Your relationship ended because your ex decided the positive aspects of your relationship didn’t outweigh the negative ones.

I know that’s tough to hear, but it’s the truth, and you are as accountable for the breakup as them.

Now is not the time for blame-shifting; it is time for growth.

There is no way you can grow without experiencing pain.

Look back at your relationship and dissect where things went wrong.

The parts you played and where you must improve.

This is a critical step because, by recreating yourself, you are evolving into a better version of yourself.

How do you do this?

It starts with your self-talk!

Who you are and what you are all about.

When you keep recreating yourself, you gain clarity and project far more powerful intentions into the cosmos.

With time, you will start taking steps that lead you to what you can be, where:

1. Your habits will change as you slowly kick negative thoughts about your breakup out of your head.
2. It will be a lot harder for your ex to take hold again if their spot is already filled up with something else.
3. You will become more magnetic when you value and take care of your inner self.
4. Slowly, you will start living a life that is filled with purpose.

The list goes on…

I always find shadow work, meditation, reading, exercising and chasing goals to be helpful!

Studies show that exercise and meditation can drastically improve your mood, aka vibration, and to get them back, you need that boost!

When you approach your breakup from these angles, instead of it being an adversity, you use it as a catalyst to become a better person.

It’s not easy, but who said life must be easy or we must always be happy?

Sometimes, you must push against the tides of pain, put in the work daily, and use that momentum to recreate yourself.

Life doesn’t owe any of us a dime anyway!

On top of that, the more you focus on things that matter the most in your life, the more progress you’ll want to make, and the higher the probability that you will start detaching from them.

Very soon, you’ll start noticing a “step” in your walk, and your aura will exude magnetism that will attract the opposite sex, like moths, into a hot flame.

#3. Push Against The Tides of Familiarity.

Once you start recreating yourself, it’s not going to be a walk in the park.

Change is never easy, and people who are hard-core drug addicts would change if it were so.

And when you start changing, you will quickly realize that most of the time, you don’t want to change.

At least not emotionally.

You want to change logically; you know it’s good for you not to chase them, and crying over them day and night is sucking happiness out of you.

But emotionally, you still want to fight for them.

You must fight this tendency with everything you have!

Rationalizations like,

“No, it’s too hard…”

“We have to fix things now.”

“I can’t be happy without them anyway.”

“They are my one and only true love.”

These keep you going around cycles without coming out of the dark hole.

Everybody going through a breakup comes up with such rationalizations but if you want to win them back you must keep them under control.

This will exercise your emotional intelligence muscles which is a lifelong skill that will save you years of pain and heartache.

Fight the pulls of familiarity, flow with the tides of change and evolve.!

#4. Awareness Of Your Thought World.

Depending on the severity of your breakup, early on, you’re going to be forcing a lot of changes trying to “move on”, but it is inevitable that there will be gloomy days where you miss them too much and no amount of meditation or positive affirmations or pushing your projects will help.

It's impossible to heal without feeling the pain and yes healing is a process.

It’ll be work to get yourself positive so be gentle with yourself sometimes.

Negative thoughts always come stampeding back the instant you let your guard down.

Don’t let this dampen your resolve!

It’s just like learning anything new that’s challenging.

At first, you can only do it for a short while, and then you’ve got to stop and take a break.

Next time, you do it a little longer. And then a little longer. And then longer until it becomes second nature.

After sometime of being aware, monitoring your thoughts and forcing changes any time you aren’t completely exhausted you’re going to have a much easier time switching out to feeling positive, and you’ll stay there much longer.

#5. Test The Waters Of Dating.

We are social beings; going out and meeting new people adds some spice to our lives.

It helps us see the world differently as we mingle with different people to find meaning in our existence.

Dating doesn’t necessarily mean you have to screw the people you meet.

You can just have fun with them.

Even when you screw with some of them it’s highly unlikely that it will help you heal.

It can give you the appearance of healing but below the surface the wounds will be fresh.

It’s up to you what you decide but if you still want your ex and believe in monogamy you can just date casually.

By dating others.

You are creating scarcity within your ex, the more scarce you become the higher the probability that they will reach out.

When we see far lands.

They look green and beautiful. We wonder how they look closer.

This is the grass is greener syndrome that is operational within all of us.

By going out and dating other people you will ignite this syndrome within your ex, they will yearn to see you closer.

Obviously you don’t want to put it upfront and ignite their jealousy but you leave some trails and suggestions that you might be dating.

It’s tempting to display to your ex or gush on social media about how great life is going since the breakup.

If you think it might force your ex to realize that they’ve made a huge mistake.

Believe me, it won’t work.

Rather let their mind do the rest!

The more comfortable you are without your ex, the more they’ll want you back, the more effective psychic seduction will become.

Now Enter Psychic Seduction!

Now here is the fun part, provided you are dealing well with your breakup by:

Chasing your dreams,



Meeting new people and

Are not desperate to get them back

Then you can add fuel and make them chase with all they have through psychic seduction because it is MOST powerful when you practice it flying high so to speak.

Read this and this posts about psychic seduction to get a clearer picture about it if you don’t know about it:

All in all practice resist the argue to connect out of desperation.

Learn to connect when you are happy and feeling good then go about your life.

At least try, I know it ain’t easy!

You should receive positive feedback from a few weeks to three months(maximum)since the application of the techniques if you are a beginner.

If they don’t reach out, maybe there is too much emotional baggage between you.

It could also be that they know there is no future between you whatsoever.

In such a case you can’t force someone.

The ex I talked about when starting this post proved to me again that someone can resist when the stakes are too high.

When we separated I missed her quite a lot and thought to myself let me bring her back using psychic seduction as I said.

I must have psychically seduced her for three months straight and we were connecting deeply but she never reached out to me.

After about a month or so(after stopping connecting) I got a short email from her and we started talking.

Via WhatsApp she told me about how she felt all the time during our separation.

She told me about the “type of vibes” she was receiving that drove her to drink alcohol hard.

She said to me in her words

“You drove me to be an alcoholic but I have accepted we were not meant to be together long.”

She confessed how long she would yearn to be with me and why she never got the courage to call me(she knew I liked her).

One woman once emailed me about her story of being remote seduced by her ex whom she knew was not good for her.

His influences were reaching her hard but she resisted, she rather used her vibrator to the excess instead of allowing him back into her life.

She exhausted her vibrator trying to fight his influences!

I grinned as I read her email.

Psychic seduction doesn’t force the person.

It rather ignites feelings of love, wonder and lust just like any type of seduction, albeit far more superior.

However, a person can resist when they don’t see any future with you for whatever reasons.

When you are vibrating higher and have good intentions for them and then decide to win them back using psychic seduction then I can tell you right now it’s the most potent way to win them back.

While at using it, remove any desperation or obsessive desire to see results now.

Psychic Seduction works all the time because it’s natural and part of your design.

Follow what I teach and your ex will be yours again, trust me on this one..

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Stay Strong!



Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

Coaching & guiding psychic seduction practitioners(beginners to advanced)for the last 4 years & are in this space to help others unlock their psychic potential.