Identity Paradox of the Modern World

thought provoker
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
3 min readAug 7, 2024
credit for pic: unsplash
credit for pic: Unspalsh

Suppose you just throw away your mind and live purely with your body and instincts. Just you, free from the shackles of the mind that encapsulates your synthetic self. Imagine shedding the impossible layers of societal expectations and embracing a raw, untamed existence.

As Mr.William Shakespeare once said, and I strongly believe:

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women are merely players

I often feel lost in the fast-paced blur of a crowd, faces obstructed by the bright light from their screens and loud music from their earphones eroding all sense of calm. Ironically, we all search for an escape. No, we CRAVE it — we all are in the same midst no matter how different we look or act, regardless of whether it’s from overly simulating ourselves by seeing strangers online showcase their life as “perfect” by drowning out reality. The catch is that we all want to be something we aren’t. Due to this influence, we are adapting to uniform personalities making everyone seem so similar — almost as if it’s déjà vu with people you know.

Moreover, as humans satisfaction seems out of reach, especially now, with an overwhelming flood of strangers dictating our actions, filling us with uncertainty.

One of my favorite questions to ask people is this: what would you do if everyone magically vanished and you found yourself to be the only person left on Earth?

For me, I’d pause — pause time and truly discover myself. I don’t mean to be cheesy, but I’d take the time to wiggle my toes and finger, question everything in life, and not give two damn about how wild my hair looks like and what anyone has to say about it. I’d learn how to hunt even with the overwhelming amount of artificially made food, I would spend time with animals, and perhaps even learn the way they communicate.

I’d be wild, carefree, and unapologetically myself. Plus, no taxes — so that’s a win. I’d ask “stupid” questions because there would be no such thing as stupid questions, challenge my own beliefs — maybe.. pigs fly, unicorns definitely exist, But most importantly I’d be curious, even if curiosity killed the cat.

However, this leads to a deeper question: is this the ideal world you desire to reside in?

The most satirical part about what I’ve stated is that all the things I want to do are quite simple to achieve. There’s nothing extraordinary about wanting to live peacefully, and yet it seems almost impossible. The reason it all seems so out of reach is that we’ve been molded into adapting the same opinions, expectations, and standards as everyone else. There’s this obsession to be similar, to fit in.

So ask yourself this: What the hell are you?

You live in this paradoxical mindset. You believe you have understood your purpose but in reality, we both know you aren’t even close to identifying yourselves.

What if you gave yourselves the chance to let go and find possibilities in the impossible?

( did I just hint towards my upcoming blog ?)



thought provoker
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

shed ur braincells and shed light on some of my intrusive thoughts