I’m Feeling Hopeless!

Melinda Judy
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
2 min readJul 2, 2024
Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

The presidential debate was so painful to watch that I had the worst case of acid indigestion by the end of it.

Anyone rooting for Biden couldn’t be more disappointed. His answers were weak and he didn’t seem to be able to finish a thought, often trailing off a sentence, looking tired and confused.

On the other hand, Trump did what he does best: brazenly lying like he always does or attacking Biden while creating ridiculous hyperbole.

“I didn’t sleep with a porn star!” He claimed. Seriously! Then why did you pay her off when you don’t even pay contractors, electricians, on down the line to waiters and dishwashers!?

One of his most absurd claims is that immigrants are taking all of the black jobs that Biden created.

What is a black job? Since he has called immigrants criminals, rapists, pigs, and animals, black jobs must be the most menial jobs, not requiring

any credentials, and it seems like a racist insult to the African American community.

Although I want to stay informed, I’m getting to the point where I can’t stomach his ignorance arrogance, and his gravelly voice is like chalk scraping across a chalkboard.

Now six if out of the 9 Supreme Court justices gave Trump exactly what he wanted: complete immunity from accountability of his crimes. What kind of people are these? Were they bought off?

A president should be the one who sets an example of morality for the nation. Now he can run as an unchecked dictator carrying out his hateful plan of retribution. He even talks about executing his political opponents just for disagreeing with him.

What happened to free speech!? It will only be acceptable if it agrees with his free speech.

One of the main concerns I have if Trump regains power is that he will replace the two retiring judges, Thomas and Alito, with two younger just as conservative judges with no term limits. They will be extreme Trump loyalists who will go along whatever evil plans Trump and his cohorts conspire. I shutter to think what a horror show America will become.

Anyone who hasn’t read Project 2025 should absolutely read it before going to the ballot box. It should thoroughly frighten you!

It’s so unsettling how close this race is and that almost half of the U.S. population say they wouldn’t mind a dictatorship by a 34-count convicted felon, rapist, and tax fraud.

Do they not realize they could become one of Trump’s next targets once he no longer has any use for them?

Listen to Trump’s snake story he tells over and over at his rallies. He is really talking about himself: he is the snake.

All I hope is democracy will survive this next election.

As if right now, I don’t know.



Melinda Judy
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

I want to share my travel stories and hear about those of others. Currently I am traveling on a shoestring retirement income.