Impersonating Santa Claus

Our waitress thought we were playing Mr. & Mrs.


Photo by Shawna Lay on Unsplash

I can hardly believe Christmas is less than two weeks away! I’ve hardly had any time or energy to write the past few days. We’ve been busy with the hustle and bustle of preparing for Christmas.

It’s been a nice little break of relaxing from house projects for a few weeks, we even took a mini vacay and went out of town shopping for Christmas. It was such a nice little break, and BONUS we knocked out about 50% of our Christmas lists.

I love going out of town sometimes and it seems to get harder and harder each year to buy for everybody in one place. We always end up going to one city for this, another place for something else, and it never fails there is always a few last minute (thank God for) amazon orders.

I try my best to not let Christmas be all about the gifts because it really is not. However, it makes me feel good to gift people things that made me think of them.

Seeing somebody’s face light up when they open something unique and fitting to their personality that was handpicked with perfect intentions or occasionally, I try to make a few homemade items as well. Honestly my Sister-in-law puts me to shame when it comes to gift giving, she’s seriously so good at this.



Lil' Ms. Mess Spills The Beans
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

I'm a free spirited, deep thinking, Mom Blogger, and Content Creator. Hope you Enjoy what you read here <3