Is Your Typing Too Quiet? Here Are the Consequences of Your Posts

What temperature do you have in your writing room?

Riccardo Valle
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


Is Your Typing Too Quiet? Here Are the Consequences on Your Posts
Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

Sometimes I notice myself typing lightly.

I’m not referring to lexical delicacy or neglect in choosing a topic.

I mean exactly the amount of pressure I apply to the keys with my fingers.

Usually, I’m quite loud. This also depends on the type of keyboard, of course, and mine isn’t the quietest. It’s still the one that came with the computer. Not much better than a model you’d find at a discount store.

My wife often calls out from the living room, pointing out that I’ve exceeded the allowable decibels in our home, interfering with her TV programs, and she asks me to type with less fervor.

So I ease up on the pressure and make my typing a mere whisper, still fully exercising my right to express.

Sometimes, though, I realize my fingers are a breath of wind even without her pointing it out.

It just happens, out of nowhere.

Now let me tell you when this happens.

On some things, I’m really easygoing

I start with an apparently harmless title, and after a few sentences, my typing…

