Judge President Trump by His Actions, Not His Past Deeds

No person has been vilified so much during their lifetime as Donald Trump.

Dr. V. Ranjan
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

In the lead-up to the presidential election, one of the most heated topics of debate has been the personal history of the candidates.

From past scandals to controversial statements, voters often found themselves weighing a candidate’s past deeds against their potential to lead the nation.

We, as a society and nation, have to focus more on the candidate’s actions in office than on their past mistakes, affiliations, or decisions.

In the recent US presidential election, Donald Trump has emerged as a clear winner with a majority in Congress and Senate.

This time, no one, least of all the President-elect, has any doubts about the validity of the result. He is currently choosing his team of advisors for the different Government departments.

No man or woman has been so vilified in their lifetime as Donald Trump. He has been hung, drawn, and quartered before any verdict has been pronounced by any court against the myriad of cases filed against him.

The media has pronounced him guilty, not a jury.



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