Photo by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash

Liberating Ourselves from the Shackles of Shame

An Exploration of Mental Well being

Healthy Mind
3 min readMar 16, 2024


In the recesses of our minds a battle rages on that many of us face in solitude; the burden of shame linked to struggles with mental health. It’s a load that stifles, isolates and confines. Yet it’s a weight that can be conquered. Today I wish to recount an odyssey — a journey, towards breaking loose from the chains of shame and embracing health awareness.

For what felt like an eternity I bore the veil of shame hanging over me like a suffocating cloak. Anxiety and depression were my companions. I concealed them beneath a mask of smiles and false reassurances. I bought into the falsehood that acknowledging my battles equated to revealing weakness and that seeking assistance was an acknowledgment of defeat. Shame fed me its lies convincing me that I was solitary in my anguish with no one to empathize.

Yet in reality solitude was never my companion.. It isn’t yours either.

My path, towards well being took root with one step; speaking up. I opened up to a trusted confidant unveiling my self and shedding the burden of secrecy. In that instance of vulnerability I discovered resilience.
I came to realize that my challenges don’t define me; they are a part of my journey, towards healing and wholeness.

During therapy I picked up tools to navigate the stormy seas of my mind. I learned the importance of mindfulness anchoring myself in the moment than getting carried away by waves of anxious thoughts. I also embraced self compassion treating myself with the kindness and empathy I’d show a friend in need.

The impactful part of my journey was understanding that seeking help is not something to be ashamed of. In a society that often looks down upon health issues asking for support can feel like an act of defiance. Yet it’s a rebellion — against the silence that perpetuates suffering and against the idea that our struggles should be kept hidden in darkness.

So to all those who are grappling with their battles I want to share this message of hope; you’re not alone and you’re far from weak. You’re a warrior fighting battles that may go unnoticed, by others.
Like how soldiers depend on their companions, for assistance you can also count on the strength and empathy of those around you.

Being mindful of health isn’t about freeing ourselves from shame — it’s about creating a path towards a kinder brighter future. It involves opening our hearts and minds to others challenges extending a hand of unity and encouragement. Its realizing that our value isn’t defined by our perceived imperfections. By the bravery we show in confronting them.

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

So lets stand together joined in our pursuit of empathy and approval. Lets shatter the shackles of shame and embrace the warmth of hope.. May we always remember that our true power lies not in hiding our battles but in being open, to sharing them with the world.

Stay Healthy. Stay Strong. Belief.



Healthy Mind
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

The channel focuses on promoting mental well-being, mindfulness, and positive psychology.