Men Don't Get To Look Back

Responsibilities And Expectations

Ajmal Khan
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
4 min readJan 31, 2024


Photo by Faruk Tokluoğlu:

Ever wondered why men are tough? Once in a decade or a year or maybe once in a lifetime have you actually thought about it? By the way my target audience here is the mothers, wives, daughter and sisters.

The world has always claimed that men are tough however their internal thoughts paint a totally different picture. If you ever peeked inside a man’s head you would be horrified honestly. The worst part is we men wont even communicate about it with our families so they cant get to know what's going on in our minds. Why do we do that? To look tough, to stay tough. We men cant deal with collateral by showing you people what goes on inside our heads, we have to smile and stay happy in front of all of you so that your hopes dont die, so that you keep smiling.

The other day I had a thought, a very interesting one as well. Lets look at this though a bit closer. There’s a girl and a boy in their childhood years basically around the time they start going to school. Now the first day of school both of them leave their bed but here’s the part I thought about, the boy leaves his bed for good. The boy will then turn into a teenager and then further on be a man and then on to an old man but he will only return to his bed for luxury when his eyes close forever. Ever thought about that?

The boy has to keep on working for the rest of his life and he is expected to, he does not have the luxury of sitting back and watching the world go by.

Now I am not saying that girls dont grow up to be responsible women and they dont take care of the house and their children when the time comes but tell me this, if the guy doesnt earn or lets say he stops and sits back, will there be a house or as a matter of fact anything to take care of? Better yet he wont even have any of the girls around him, why?

Because he wont earn, a man earns his respect through hardwork and money. If there’s no money, no work no one would like to sit with him or respect him. Sorry what are you saying? Oh, you’re gonna sit with him and comfort him? Well how about he sits back and stops doing the work for the rest of his life? What will you do then? Take care of him? Keep him in your house? Maybe you do it for an year or two but after that you wont. Why? Because you’ll find someone else whether its a brother or a son or a husband or a father (well you only have one father but I’m talking about a fatherly figure) to respect and take care of because they’ll be working and not sitting at the house.

The worst part is men dont even talking about this with other men as well, every single man on this Earth is fighting his own battles and struggling with their own problems. If we talk to other men they’ll communicate their problems with us and the conclusion will be “Eh, Gotta do what we gotta do brother”.

So lets look at the first school day boy, for the rest of his school years he’ll get to hear “If you dont get good grades you wont get into a good university or college” and then “If you don't get good grades you wont land a good job”. After that we step into our professional life and get ragged by our bosses and manager who are also men, but they take out their frustrations in the form of anger on us which we will also do sometime when we’re bosses, its just like that. In our professional life we hear “If you don't get a good job no one will marry you” Honestly please don't say that a job is not required for you to marry the guy, it is required he has to take care of you, its his responsibility. Then come the kids and we hear “If you don't work or earn you wont earn the respect of the kids and they wont value you” which is true obviously because we have to provide for our families. Soon the kids grow up and then starts the stress of their jobs and marriages especially if you have a son because you know you have to make him tough for the world he is about to be thrown into.

We men dont get to look back. Why? Because we dont have the luxury to do so. If a man starts looking back and reminisces, the world will move forward while he’s looking back and be left alone.

So ladies, next time you see your son, husband, brother, father looking worried and staying quiet, dont ask him whats wrong, he’ll never tell you. Instead show him what he’s fighting for, show him that his family is the greatest family in the world. Make him laugh, make him some good food, if you’re his wife play with him a little, if you’re his mother let his head rest in your lap, if you’re his daughter or sister have tea with him, keep him company BUT PLEASE AVOID THE QUESTION “WHAT’S WRONG?” That question along brings him alot more agony then any other issue in this world. If he wants to communicate he’ll communicate but dont push him by asking. Some of us like to be left alone when we’re tense about something and soon we’ll be back on our feet, smiling. Why?




Ajmal Khan
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

I write because I love writing. I write from the heart. You wont find much punctuation in my articles but you’ll find thoughts and feelings