So You Might Be a Travel Whore

But there are worse ways to live

A young man in shorts and a gray shirt looks at a view of orange and red cliffs
The author pausing during a hike in Sedona, Arizona. Photo by Joe Guay

Are you a journey junkie?

A restless wanderer?

A trotter of the proverbial globe?

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re one of us. Or at least dream of it.

We’re not just talking about travel in the sadly often-American way:

“Oh my god I have to take my two week paid vacation, this is our only travel chance! Let’s slam it all into fourteen days and blow it out, then back to the grindstone and hopefully the boss isn’t too mad that I was ‘selfish’ and actually took my vacation time.”

Seriously, that’s just painful.

No, I’m talking about interspersing little extra-long weekend jaunts or mini-retirements into a well-lived life, between work projects or assignments.

To know there are other ways to live.

As Tim Ferriss said in his ahead-of-its time book, The 4-Hour Workweek:

“Travel during retirement as a goal or as final redemption is flawed… it is predicated on the assumption that you dislike what you are doing during the most physically capable years of your life. Nothing can justify that sacrifice… ‘Someday’…



Joe Guay - Dispatches From the Guay Life!
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

Joe Guay, a recovering people-pleaser, is an essayist, actor/voiceover guy with musings on mental health, LGBTQ, humor and travel & nature as church