The Habit of Tardiness: Understanding and Navigating the World of Chronic Lateness

Foteini Ntelopoulou
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
3 min readDec 13, 2023


Some individuals seem to perpetually operate on “their own time.”

Punctuality is often hailed as a virtue, a quality that contributes to the smooth functioning of our daily lives. However, in every circle, there seems to be that one person who consistently dances to a different rhythm of time, arriving later than expected. Chronic lateness is a behavior that affects not only the individuals who struggle with it but also those around them. In this article, we delve into the reasons behind habitual tardiness, its impact on relationships and work, and offer some strategies for both the latecomers and those affected by their timing.

The Chronic Lateness Phenomenon:

Some individuals seem to perpetually operate on “their own time.” While occasional tardiness is understandable, chronic lateness is a distinct behavioral pattern that goes beyond the occasional mishap. Whether it’s arriving late to social gatherings, meetings, or appointments, people who are always late often find themselves caught in a cycle that can be challenging to break.

Reasons Behind Chronic Lateness:

  1. Time Perception: People who are consistently late might have a different perception of time. They might genuinely believe they have more time…

