The Latin-American Liberator. Jose de San Martin

“El Libertador de America”

Leo Tognetti
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


Photo by Niki, image provided by author

Great men belong to humanity. They are the incarnation of the truth. Local circumstances almost always shape them. But, in the end, they influence the whole world. It makes sense to build monuments in our land. They are for those who helped human welfare in other countries. It is a recognition of what we stand for as humans!

We are always reminded that the liberation story of each country starts somewhere…

This was the case for all American countries. North American aspirations produced our Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, and Franklin. South America brought their Miranda, Bolivar, Hidalgo, and our hero of the story:

Jose de San Martin. “El Libertador de America”

He was born on February 25, 1778, in Yapeyú, a small village in present-day Argentina. That same person will play an important role in the fight for independence in South America. He left an incredible mark on the continent. He liberated Argentina, Chile and Peru.

Let’s discover the legacy of this extraordinary man.

How did his incredible story start?

Before becoming the liberator like many in his days he was in the military from an early age…



Leo Tognetti
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

HeadHunter & Coaching Specialist in the Tech Sector. Always open for a chat!