The Male Pick-Me Up

Decoding the Worldwide Hikikomori Status, the U.S.’ Invisibles, & the Male Downademic to Surface it as Solvable

Good Day, Adam
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
30 min readSep 7, 2024


After spending several days examining the modern-day prime-age male recluse (and this [DISCLAIMER:] can, and will most definitely relate to any gender-recluse as similar purposes apply) through YouTube videos, blog pieces and the Japanese anime show I saw during COVID (which I don’t know was the best thing to watch during this stage in our worldwide history),

It is important to address the problem instead of finger-pointing or reflecting the matter with what has been said countless times.

Such finger-pointed reasons which can be reflected on include:

  • The spoiled nature of these men of aged 25–50 | X Nope, that’s not it.
  • These men come from diverse backgrounds abusive families, and their lives exist only to succumb to recurring or past problems | X — Possible — but why does this behavior affect other people regardless of gender and abusive through cultural or racial raditional upbringing?
  • They’re addicted to hurting themselves or keeping themselves shelled from a so-called ‘reality’ complex | X — Even if one believes the nature of life is false, they can indeed socialize and earn a living; even if they feel negative towards their selves can they still exist in a working state — even remotely.
  • An external actor is forcing the recluse to be in this state | X — But why, at this point in time is this external actor more prevalent than before? Why does one listen to others to be made aware of a negative external actor of sorts ruining society, or create this external actor through content consumed, or imagined, based on a sudden need to accept this as a true form ( or version) of fault towards their problems?
  • These men cannot find love, or love cannot find them, or they have been involved in heavily hurtful or suffocating relationships which have led to numerous problems such as receiving a restraining order | X — I mean maybe, but if you’re in one place that you feel is safe wouldn’t you eventually want to develop and find improvement in ways that are not directly inclusive to your struggles, even if those resemble romance, intimacy or companion clashing?
  • Something snapped in those men. They’re not physically adequate, nor should they be acceptable for society’s approval. They “deserve” to be there because the system is not “designed” for their needs or behaviors. | X — NOPE — But there could be something internally pushing towards their mental and/or physical development promoting a need to not want to fit in, or to have a desire for others to hate or reject them (even if it means acting harmful/or in opposition to them, others, animals, or property in this reclusive state).

A Theory

Most of these individuals are in a recurring state. Many such state-holders involve their current version of their lives with the usage of a continuing self-service, or a set of recurring self-serving behaviors. Many of these individuals rely on the Internet. If older through experience, or less inclined to use personal electronic technology during this variable timeframe, such state-holders rely on sources of input (even if the input type revolves around talking to themselves, or their imaginary versions of their past friends or family members through a physical/digital journal or record of sorts).

To explain this theory, I’m going to narrow down this state to a sort of “average” comparison based on “average” actions. Here goes:

Pre-conception before theory:

When someone “searches” online, their actions result in an output of a result.

What type of memory record / brain development does this produce, and is it different for men — of which are in this recurring state?

Theory Conception:

When a man (this piece is on a topic of men, but all genders in this recurring state could apply) presses a button already expecting a result, and that the result will serve them, what happens to their cognitive and/or behavioral reaction that they develop (on account of this input-output service)?

It’s not dopamine; this reaction instead becomes a response to serve their attention.

Say if a man searches and finds three interesting things online, does this man feel like he has completed a task?

A theoretical answer:
No : He feels a need to find someone or some source albeit a personal journal to submit this information. Man (humans) after all are record makers, storers, and creators (and many other things; but through civilization, human recording states are concurrent throughout the ages of time).

When something is served to by demand, the service becomes measurable by demand.

In economics, we relate to this with the storage and behavioral qualities and quantities of goods being made and sold in comparison to purchasing power and supply needs (supply and demand). But, with servicing a human’s wants ( especially over their needs ) we evaluate this through attention or attention-seeking.

However, with the Internet, this attention seeking is not a direct form of a plea of attention, or a plea of approval. Rather, this is where many psychologists and neuroscientists, who spend countless hours examining live brain feeds, and human receptors through data purport Dopamine release as the outcome of this interplay — but, there is another receptive layer at hand.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

The Theory, Then

When a man asks for something, what is that “something” they ask for?
Something they can control.

What is the definition of “myriad” ?

(above) A man will find it in a dictionary, and they will then use the word which serves them as a tool (a means toward a service), or they have the option of learning it (recording it).

For example, when a man orders a cup of coffee or tea, what is this man really ordering?

They want a container, preferably a cup, not too hot and not too messy; they want an adequate flavor or to receive a chemical reaction in their body using this container to consume this beverage.

Now, take watching a theme park rollercoaster YouTube video in first-person to see just how fast a rollercoaster ride is. What happens to the viewer’s mind when they find such a video and sit through its duration?

Sure, they can pause, play, stop, rewind, and adjust the video in a number of ways, but the experience removes a sense of control even if the video player grants the viewer full accessibility / access to control the container.

Pouring back into the coffee/tea example:

It’s as if you (figuratively and/or indirect representation of recurring state-holder) could order coffee/tea, get a cup and then receive a reaction that the beverage tastes like you thought it did, or you thought it did not.

This reception promotes an expectancy through attention-seeking / attention-serving behaviors.

When control (and conceptual control) attainability declines, expectancy raises (negatively — expecting more from what they cannot control)/ expectancies are raised.

Therefore, if one cannot control something (based on wants over needs), and has zero control attainability, the expectancy is always unchanged.

If there is no demand, and no product, no service, or no outcome from a demand, then one’s expectancy remains consistent — even if a different outcome, or response, occurs for others under the same circumstance.

Then, what would happen when the recurring state-holder shares sources, receives sources, and observes comments/critiques related to such sources (or finds)?

a) Their found (selected to-be-shared) source represents their own expectancy as true / the truth.

b) Their received source supports or hinders their expectancy. If it hinders their expectancy, they will:

b-1 ) find an alternate source to verify the received source as supportive of their expectancy.

b-2) find a way to convince the sender of the validation of the sources in terms of its (state of) truth.

b-3) create / fabricate an expectancy where the received source is true, or pushes the nature of the source below their (own) expectancy.

c) They respond to, or react with, comments/responses through a mindset at which they can do so, and suggest to control the narrative of their expectancy.


While the will or desire to do something, one’s drive, and expectancy seem like completely different edges to the game board of one’s interplay of actions, they are very much adjoined. One’s drive is compelled by one’s expectancy, and the reach of expectancy is shaped by one’s drive.

The manner at which expectancy is shaped depends on how one’s drive is persuaded by expectancy as agreeable through control (even if only possible control — instead of full control).

If I expect greatness in you, I must see greatness in myself- or through the expectancy of greatness I see in you, I consider that there is more to do and find by making an attempt to acknowledge such greatness.

Now, if I expect that you are designed to function in such a manner and I cannot shape myself to attain my own path in “such a manner”, this is often diagnosed or called out as “losing hope” or “giving up”, or having a degree of depression.

As a result, many external parties (friends, family members, peers, and even doctors) refuse to approach the parallel between one’s drive and expectancy; instead it’s a problem with your view or something that prevents you from finding happiness or a way out.

So, then, how do we approach a state-holder in order to curve and improve their expectancy in tandem with their drive?

Let’s look at what humans have tried already:

— Brainwashing and Programming
— Religion(s)
— Instructive & Worship/Fanaticism Storytelling
— Therapy / Therapeutic solutions
— Sex / Drugs & Recreational Activities as Therapy
— Motivation / Instruction through entertainment
— Pep Talks / Motivational Talks
— Self-Help (including assigned work) / Self-Motivation
— Gamification
— Rituals & Instructive Behavioral Practices
— Self Knowledge and Research Quest
— Reward-based initiative systems
— Collective / Organized imposed systems
— Duty to serve others as a way to shape one’s expectancy
— Teamwork / Synergy Coordination / Group Activity
— Volunteerism
— Meditation & Internal Focus Techniques
— Diet & Hygiene Rituals
— Identity Swapping for expected reciprocal positivity
— Retreat & Need to Escape or Hide Oneself
— Increasingly heightening state of security, surveillance and privacy restrictions
— Generative AI as a form of dependence or an assistive tool
— Duty & Loyalty to Person(s), Institution(s), organization(s), body of followers, concepts, behavioral actions even if such fellowship is toxic (to one’s health / others), and the location of where one’s loyalty is placed is harmful
— Chanting / Singing / Speaking in Tongues
— Space organization and clearing techniques
— Light & Sensory Treatments
— Art Creation
— Self Voice / Internal Phrases
— Intervention
— Punishment / Torture / Violence / Belittling
— Suicide / Seppuku / Socially Enforced or Instructed Suicide
— Execution & Imposed Fear Tactics
— Esotericism & Collaborative Loyalty Orders
— The State of the Market / State of one’s property and wealth values
— Nature as a human relationship
— “Disney-fied” relationships with things, animals, people, or place(s)
— Pets as close family members or soul mates
— Soulmates & Destiny Path(s)
— Astrology & Constellations
— Cultural Esotericism and Magic/ Magik or Magick as an Influence
— Gambling
— Finding Hidden Meanings
— Finding Truths in Symbols and Sensory
— Remapping of Life Interpretation
— Living Conditions
— Concept of Family-and by cultural significance
— Concept of age and gender by cultural significance
— Living “Paycheck by Paycheck”
— Social Status
— Holidays, Celebration Rituals, and Festivals
— Spectacles and Amusements
— Libraries and Museums
— Internet Usage / Web / App usage as a DCI
— Making & Maintaining Collections
— Making & Maintaining Plans, Schedules and Traditions
— Donations
— Safety Issues and Paranoia
— Comfort
— Landscaping and Beauty Implementation
— Molding or Manipulating others through the influence of other DCIs
— Following / Pursuit of one’s Dream(s)
— Self-Pampering and Spa Treatment
— Rumors & Rhetoric
— Cultural Medicine and Health Practices
— Finding realism or shaping realism through fictional characters or story elements
— Free & Reliable Financial Dependence
— Personally-elected Figures ( both political and personal-life connected)
— Spiritualism & Supernatural (the U.S. became interested in Supernatural phenomenon during the mid-late 1800s, and led to a supernatural industry intertwined with Halloween & Entertainment)
— Supernatural Lore and Fanaticism
— Body Improvement Journeys and Self-Improvement
— Self-Experiementation
— Idol Worship
— Sacrifice(s)
— Labeling and perceiving others through readable interpretable mediums— Genetic Manipulation / BioScientific Research & Development
— Solace / Retreat / Isolation*

*Isolation is as much a tool as a drive-based on expectancy. With misbehaved children, they are often instructed to take a time-out or to quickly learn from their faults — even if they are craving attention or a way out of the situation.

I am not implying that breaking a law, or causing a felony is just an expectancy-drive fluke. Laws and compliance are separate from one’s drive and expectancy- even if one expects that the legal or judicial system will solve their own problems (or those of others). Disclaimer: It is your selective responsibility to follow the laws of residence, and the policies and rules of your environment(s).

These tools or human-developed solutions to alter human drive, are what could be coined as Drive Control Implementations.

Each of these created or imposed implementations continue to be used; many of which are horrifically placed and ordered onto humans. All Drive Control Implementations (DCI) have limitations, and a DCI that works for bringing out one recluse to society will not work on all recluses.

Hence, the world does not have one religion, it has thousands, which have branched off, started from cults, been merged with other religions and theological instruction. Furthermore, there is no correct version of a DCI — rather, there are versions that are supported and implemented in time.

Are some regarded as better than present day DCIs? — Yes; Is the opposite true? — Yes.


What do we do now- now that unemployment is rising, humans are isolating, people are giving up on love and work on a global scale and choosing to hide themselves, or reject their society altogether?

One recurring solution is to rely on major conflicts to shape and instill hope, and promote a will to change and innovate; major conflicts as means of Drive Control and not necessarily a DCI. This implies that major conflicts are expected to emphasize the nature of populous drive.

Yet, we are back to square one as major conflicts have NOT increased world drive, but lowered expectancy towards drive — especially in recluses. Unless, of course, one is successful by such conflicts towards their own personal gain.

When humans use, practice, follow or rely on a DCI/DCIs, this is a Drive Control Impulse (DCIM). Many U.S. Americans incorporate several DCIs into their lifestyle at any given point. The catch is that there is speculation that the more DCIs integrated into one’s lifestyle the easier one can be manipulated by a third party.

This is the Twenty-First Century, humanity! Is it time to rely on a new Drive Control Implementation, or give up on the drive all together, or something else?

What do all of the DCIs have in common?

These are intended to redirect the behavior and mindset of an individual in order to align their mentalities strengths (unless inferior to a society), to acknowledge self-appreciation and self-worth (or reject the self for the betterment of the society), to develop their own drive (or reject their self) to function as a working cog of society — so that society and civilization will function for a set population body.

Warsaw, Poland — March 19, 2024. Ancient Sundial on Display in Museum | Iryna Imago | Shutterstock

All of the DCIs involve a movement away from time, to stop it, to explore a possible future based on endeavors of the past or from this point onwards — or to seek out time and develop by it.

When someone says “ be present ”, there is a sudden urge to be in the moment now or when time feels out of reach, but it does not change expectancy or drive.

And would you know it, there is already a time-based system, one that is a field, in place designed for improving expectancy which can shape drive being used to successfully send and receive information. This system or field is called:


Usually the connection between shipping facilities, manufacturing, wide scale production, ordering and receiving on schedules comes to mind, but logistics covers a lot more ground ranging to the vastness of business-to-consumer interplay.

Let’s start with an overly simple definition.

According to Investopedia, logistics is:

“ the overall process of managing how resources are acquired, stored, and transported to their final destination.”

Logistics is a key part of (the) Supply Chain — of which combines logistics with product processes, supply chain management, order fulfillment, inventory, business strategies, delivery services, third-party involvement, managing geography, climate change studies and its effect on every part of the logistical process(es), and the list goes on (Wikipedia).

So, if it is so complicated and branched out, how could this shape expectancy and drive? How could it be used effectively and practically?

We would need to change the current state of logistics and apply it to life, to the state of living, to the function of awareness, expectancy, attention, needs, and most importantly, the drive of an individual. This version of logistics would incorporate elements already practical and necessary for managing location qualities, studying and maintaining activity with a continuing focus on end goals and cycles, and most importantly, would contribute to one’s self-development in coordination with population/global development (not of one’s singularity against it/ and in comparison with others).

This logistics version would and could be called:


The term is a combination of the Latin word, “Incolo”, a verb which means: “ to live, to dwell (in), to sojourn, to inhabit, to reside (in) (Latin Is Simple), to incorporate into one’s surroundings”, and the word (noun) logistics. It is pronounced: “In-coh-law-jis-tics”.

Titling a role related to Incologistics could be framed with the word, “Incologer” (pron. “In-caw-luh-jer” ).

To demonstrate this title, here are some conceptual role terms:
“managing incologer”; “specialist incologer”; “ physician incologer ”.

Why not go with “incologist?”? There is already the word close in spelling, “oncologist” or a doctor who specializes in cancer.

If further confusion exists, “incologer”, could always be altered to incoloneer (pronounced : “in-ker-near” (pronounciation off of “colonel”)) . This does make me wonder if “colonization” was originally pronounced as “kernization”.

And if such confusion is the case, the field could be decided under the pronunciation of “In-ker-gis-tics”.

How do you even start to dissect logistics into a re-versioning? Logistics has centuries upon centuries of development.

Let’s start with its current state; and because I am writing this out of the United States, I will begin through the influence of Western Logistics and Theories.

In the history of Western Empires, logistics has been central in military planning; of which has involved the management of supplies, trade, supply routes, resources and the passage of goods and civilians ( and myriads of other types of chain management ). In developing logistics throughout the ages, military involvement has been highly influential, and heavily involved through the usage of intense enforcement.

Has logistics and the enforcement of logistics caused problems? Yes.
Have Drive Control Implementations caused problems? Yes, even to the point of war for several of those.

Unlike Drive Control Implementations, logistics centers on improvement and restructuring for flow continuation. Whereas, like a state-holder, Drive Control Implementations rely on recurring involvement, recurring practice (or an end-all solution (even-if problematic)).

The United States military in coordination with Purdue University history professor (Boiler up!) who served in World War II, with a legacy in studying and writing on military history, James A. Huston developed a list of principles for modern day logistics. These were:

  1. Equivalence
  2. Material Precedence
  3. Forward Impetus
  4. Mobility
  5. Dispersion
  6. Economy
  7. Feasibility
  8. Flexibility
  9. Relativity (yes — this does involve Albert Einstein’s theories)
  10. Continuity
  11. Timeliness
  12. Responsibility
  13. Unit of Command
  14. Information
  15. Quality
  16. Simplicity

The United States Joint Chiefs of Staff have handpicked out of those principles, seven, of which they use for their Joint Publication “4–0” Logistic Series, and for the military’s logistical overview structure.

JCS — 1. Responsiveness
JCS — 2. Simplicity
JCS — 3. Flexibility
JCS — 4. Economy
JCS — 5. Attainability
JCS — 6. Sustainability
JCS — 7. Survivability

Logistics specialist, veteran, and Kansas University professor, Joe Walden posted a few of his 2022 lectures online. In this lecture, he examines these principles in relation to set moments in Western history: (starts at 12:05):

With these Seven Principles, the JCS models logistics function through Seven Core Logistic Functions, of which are :

A. Deployment and Distribution ( military force positioning and direction, and “distribution enterprise”)

B. Supply ( management of inventory, supply, global supplier networks, equipment)

C. Maintenance ( maintenance and operations — particular to depot and field, and “equipment reset” operations, preparations and preventions)

D. [Central] Logistics Services (incl. services pertaining to diet, water, food, life continuation, death procedures, health, hygiene, etc.)

E. Operational Contract Support ( Non-military / or integrated support by external contractor and the management of these resources)

F. Engineering ( engineering solutions, implementation, calculations, involved in combat, location, climate, improvement, training, etc.)

G. Joint Health Services ( operational support aimed at maintaining and managing the health of military personnel through resources, services and protection)

(Ch. II, pp. II-2, July 2023; Appendix A, A-4)

Additionally, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have a Joint Lessons Learned Program (JLLP) that promotes instruction through “ five key phrases”:

I. Discovery
II. Validation
III. Resolution
IV. Evaluation
V. Dissemination

Incologistics, could be structured by a variation of these principles and core functions. As Drive represents a perceived state of function, and the behavior of expectancy is a state of one’s perceived principle(s), we can incorporate principle-functions into incologistics’ structure; these can be called:

Position Controllers

This is in no way related to brainwashing. The manner of assessing a situation through expectancy, and to act or withdraw from a situation incorporates a human to be of, or have, a (perceptive) position.

Drive Control Implementations, also, are designed to influence the placement or position of one’s perception. However, the nature of a controller is the DCI, itself, rather than the drive of the individual. What causes one to act, from a DCI, has to do with how they perceptively react to the Controller.

If we then take the seven principles and seven core function from the Joint Chiefs of Staffs, we might create merged position controllers like these:

  1. Responsiveness Reaction Systems by Deployment and Distribution
  2. Simplicity Diagnostics for Supply Management
  3. Maintaining Flexibility in Maintenance Systems and Operations.
  4. Economic Policies for Logistics Services
  5. Attainability of Operational Contract Support Resources and Management
  6. Sustainable Solutions Developed Through Engineering
  7. Survivability and Contingency Management by Joint Health Services

The complication is that a Drive is also a “variable” function, and an expectancy is a principle state which has been/will be shaped.

The JCS “conceptual” positional controllers above imply permanence and direction. We know that Engineering can be defined and broken down into separate categories and fields that are part of the function; and are also made aware that Sustainability can be accomplished as its status (and permanence) can be physically measured and adjusted based on goals and desired outcomes.

Taking an Incologistical approach to a Position Controller:

Drive = variable of self-perception / function value is based on the variable of self-perceived elements

Expectancy = principle state which is both permanent and impermanent based on the variable of self-perceived elements


  • A recurring state (and state-holder) relies on sources of input; the resulting output is “designed to serve their attention or level attention-seeking”.
  • When a man (or a state-holder) asks for something, it is something they can control.
  • DCIs remove a sense of complete control. They give the self (state-holder) access to control based on the DCIs’ content provided to them ( the container (like having a container without the contents included)).
  • This “Container approach” promotes attention, attention-seeking, praise, and reaction (in most cases: a desired reaction).
  • Expectancy’s modification(s) depend(s) on how drive sides or does not side with expectancy based on a level of desired (outcome) control (or possible control like an abstraction of control from the container approach).
  • DCIs involve a movement away from time, to stop it, to explore…based on past outcomes or endeavors, or to seek out time and then develop by it ( develop through possible or attainable control ) .
  • DCIs rely on recurring involvement, recurring practice (or an end-all solution).

So, a Position Controller has to be a Complete Source Approach where the Container is controlled to provide a physical/desired outcome (to have and to use with an outcome). The container becomes a tool for the outcome and not a controller for the self.

The Position Controller cannot rely on or use recurring inputs for attention-seeking, attention, praise and reaction. Recurring participation must be replaced by incurring, or occurring position (not a state) where one carries an understanding of responsibility. This position is either a cyclical or a sole direction; and most importantly, not a state or recurring state.

Formulaic Scheme for a Position Controller
(Drive) Position to make Occurrence / Incurrence to Control (reason with, make happen) an Outcome (Expectancy)

Position could be referred to as a condition or state where one is aware of their condition, capabilities, abilities and perception, and can control a situation on these grounds.

For example when someone is tired, has suffered some sort of trauma, and their friends or family members ask if they would like to bungie jump off a nearby bridge or highly placed area, they might respond they are in “no state” or “condition” to do so. Sure there are reasons to and not to bungie jump, but the notion that the responder is in control of their decision rather than forced into it, pressured into it, or pushed out of it without their permission promotes a state of valid self-control.

Self-control influences self worth, and self worth — with the way the self controls a situation — affects expectancy.

This self-control connects one to their responsibilities to care for their self, care for others, and care externally (if applicable in the situation).

The issue with Drive Control Implementations is that the self examines how others see the self’s worth while often professing that this person should (then) believe in their self.

If you are trying to impress others and receive their support, you are in fact… trying to impress others and receive their support.

The “believe in yourself” notion encourages you / enforces you to persuade your mind and body to emulate as best as you can to become the “impression” that under a DCI fits the needs of others (what is missing in the container).

However, if the self is in control and knows their self worth without a mental boundary of having to please others (often there will still be physical boundaries) and to expect praise and reverence, attention galore, real self-expectancy will then be forged.

To believe in yourself and others is to expect yourself to be great; to expect others to be great. If you know your own worth you can identify that drive in others.

Here’s a speech from fellow Medium writer, former Californian Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger:

And this exact moment is where those in a recurring state go into complete disbelief. They have a gut feeling that they have lived long enough or have experienced enough pain in their life to see “who becomes successful” and “who cannot become successful”.

Even I feel this at times; I am not sure what human being doesn't.

While it’s popularly known as doubt, doubt is a type of expectancy.

Now, how does one move about this? Does one consider that they can’t be successful or have the life of their dreams because social media influencers, actors and magnates are living their own selective dreams?

When this happens, the self acknowledges that these outlets are DCIs implemented to serve them. They read their content, watch their videos, attend a showing of their film at a local cinema, or go to their performance/game, and in return expect a degree of praise and attention for their participation (especially if this behavior is recurring (i.e. fanaticism, or a follower)) .

This is the downside to self-help guides, speakers and personal idols (and DCIs). Many interested absorbers of their content wants the content creator or representative (of the content) to recognize their drive in the same way the creator promotes their own drive “to them”.

What Schwarzenegger is suggesting is not to just go out and fully believe in yourself, he is attempting to graft onto you as a recipient of his words to not rely on DCIs and others, and their opinions — of which (he knows) that you have already sought attention and praise from.

It’s a very tricky message to pull off. DCIs are very powerful attention-based influencers; to upset one (especially in the social media world we live in) creates a tidal wave of harmful dominoes onto the DCI masses. Schwarzenegger doesn’t point out what DCIs have wronged him and have damaged the self development of others. Instead, he positively recommends to figure out how to fully control your direction even when it feels impossible to do so.

Despite his message, many viewers will still try to find a way to directly contact Schwarzenegger and ask him how they can believe in themselves, or how he got started on his path (despite his mentioning of it in the video). In correspondence, Schwarzenegger will probably point them to his books and other content.

In response, a percentage of these viewers might feel rejected on account of this feedback, and that the world has turned against them. They desired a situation that they could control, but in response they were given a container.

To someone with high self-drive and self-worth, that “container” might feel like the absolute best present they have ever received; but to others, it’s the equivalent of receiving the middle finger antagonistically by someone you love or admire.

Thus, the need to counter that imbalance between the levels of expectancy is met by the creation of a Drive Control Implementation; i.e. “If you follow my three-month program, you can be as ripped as Sylvester Stallone and you, my friend, can get the film role of your dreams.”

So, let’s see if we can turn this around into a Position Controller, here goes:

Formulaic Scheme for a Position Controller
(Drive) Position to make Occurrence / Incurrence to Control (reason with, make happen) an Outcome (Expectancy)

Obtaining Self Belief at a singular point at which self worth is identifiable serves the self immeasurable strength to develop mental skills for coping with physical boundaries interfering with a need to obtain self belief resulting in attaining personal success.

Next, we break this Position Controller down into an Incologistical Evaluation so that I (as the self) can develop my expectancy through comprehension:

Incologistical Evaluation:

Position: (Being able to) obtain Self Belief
Position Occurrence: at a singular point at which self worth is identifiable

Control Type: Service
Service: Position provides immeasurable strength to develop mental skills
Service Control Achieved: Mental Skills for coping with physical boundaries and interferences

Drive = Position: To obtain self belief
Expectancy Outcome: Position promotes the result of attaining personal success.
Expectancy Control: Self Belief will be able to interact with one’s mental development, and will be used to focus on ways to improve one’s capabilities of achieving personal success.

An Incologistical Evaluation should be created by an observer/reader of a Position Controller. Therefore, a position controller must be created to instruct or direct, and the Incologistical Evaluation is self-interpreted to self-instruct (and yes a self-interpretation can be used to instruct others on the basis of implementation as an example).

Incologistics can be applied not only to self development and training, but to a wide range of different fields and purposes. Where an outcome is to be reached, incologistic effort is to be instilled in the process leading there.

Much like logistics is based on a continuing flow and management of processes of products from points to destinations over a continuous timeframe, of which includes cycles, Incologistics aims to develop interpersonal and self-improvement skills to promote drive in oneself and to improve expectancy in others.

The problem is that recurring states have plummeted self expectancy. Such a plummet has led to major fears and negative expectancies involving men, women, authority figures, parents, and children. Such expectancies have led to worldwide neglect.

Many men have negative expectancies. A popular one among men is the concern that some woman will try to frame them or say that they did something off. This will correspond to their arrest when out in public.

Other popular negative (fear-driven) expectancies among men (particularly in the U.S.) include (and the same could be applied to all genders, and countries):

_“ Because I am a certain race, nothing will ever change. ”
_“ The United States is going to die anyway, why would getting another job matter? ”
_“ No one will ever like me because social media has basically created a resource of the type of person that I am and this identity is considered negative and harmful to others. ”
_“ If I lose the one/one thing or state I love, I will not be able to contain my sanity or I will end it all.”
_“ I can’t adapt to the ever-changing technology of this world, I guess I should leave it all behind.”
_“ Only certain cultures get rich, why would I serve them if they can’t serve me or my culture? ”
_“ No one will ever accept me for me. ”
_ “ Because of my name, and who my family is/ or what they do makes me a horrible person, and should harm myself. ”
_“ I am achieving more in my virtual life than I ever could in real life. ”
_“ All American women just want you for your money, and then they divorce you. ”
_ “ My wife works and I don’t, I’m ashamed to be in her presence. I need to hide from others. ”
_ “ My family hates me, the world hates me, I deserve to be alone. ”
_ “ I am defined by my disabilities. ”
_“ The feminism movement means that I’m not important and that’s fine, I can live alone. Watch, they will still harass me and belittle me because I am a man no matter if I die alone or find my personal happiness. ”
_“ My partner says I’m a weak man and I don’t deserve to be one. ”
_“ They all think, I’m a horrible person because of who I voted for. I thought someone would understand that I am not who I vote for, I just vote because I feel I have to as an American.”
_ “ I served this country, and I got nothing but pain and misery which I have to endure the rest of my life.”
_“ The government is so corrupt, criminals are everywhere. Why go outside anymore? ”

But do you know what binds all of these negative expectancies? The perception that there is no control in the situation, and that every situation exists through the lens of the container approach.

With a fear-driven expectancy it is crucial to know and understand your value of self worth, and to be able to control yourself and your actions.

With a low drive, and a low self worth, of which results in extreme dependency, DCIs shape both declining drive and worth into negative expectancies to many men of all ages. These expectancies then bloom into permanent mental death-state sentences.

There are human beings of any background or culture, and humans throughout the range of ages suffering in recurring states. Here’s a list of data related to just those in recurring loneliness states, with their statistics, from the Roots of Loneliness:

Next, Let’s Enter the Shell

Closeup of Colorful Hermit Crabs in a Cage by MMPhoto21 | Shutterstock

I now present the Container & the Vessel Dilemma:

Are we, ourselves (each of us in singularity), to live as containers to encapsulate the state of living, its up’s and down’s, and all its moments in life’s given time, or do we (each of us in singularity) search for containers to exist and observe life from?

If the often ritualistic filming of live performances via screen phones ( and these smart phones do screen and act as a sort of surveillance and recording device through one’s usage) has proven to observers in understanding recurring states, is that what humans consider as “ containers ” have evolved much closer to our mobility and our human capabilities.

Through these advancing containers we continue to exist wondering if we (each of us in singularity) are vessels or figurative hermit crabs looking for (always looking) to collect another shelled state to call life; and thus to encapsulate our perception (and point of vantage) from.

This, of course, is not true for everyone, and this generalization acts on or with our expectancies. In the video above, filmed and shared from a container existing as a contained experience “serving” our search, there are many attendees who are not recording the performance.

Now: Enter Logistics.

When a container and/or a contained element becomes a main drive to reach a possible outcome in a supply chain, to manage it from being a never-ending exchange on one direction, and to shape this contained element into a developing process (from resource to outcome), logistics incorporates the creation of Cycles.

In Incologistics, cycles develop a way for the self to control its (our) vantage and self-management on what matters (or what is a desired outcome).

The cycle promotes the self drive to explore based on a developing state where behavioral development is recurring instead of a state recurring through the looping of a singular set of behaviors to achieve a desired or different outcome over time (i.e. going from one container to the next).

In the programming front, there is in fact, a development process where an expected outcome (or outcomes) is/are the endpoint to the analysis of the behaviors of functions. This is called Behavior-Driven Development, or BDD.

Similar to Position Controllers in Incologistics, BDD approaches behaviors through an evaluation process, breaking down a behavior into either its Narrative or its Specification. Because of this, BDD promotes collaboration between software developers, stakeholders and process specialists. Some sources on modern-day BDD have considered this development flow as one between the playwright(s), the actors and the director.

From Wikipedia wiki page for BDD, an example of a narrative in evaluation (Wikipedia):

Title: Returns and exchanges go to inventory.

As a store owner,
I want to add items back to inventory when they are returned or exchanged,
so that I can sell them again.

Scenario 1: Items returned for refund should be added to inventory.
Given that a customer previously bought a black sweater from me
and I have three black sweaters in inventory,
when they return the black sweater for a refund,
then I should have four black sweaters in inventory.

Scenario 2: Exchanged items should be returned to inventory.
Given that a customer previously bought a blue garment from me
and I have two blue garments in inventory
and three black garments in inventory,
when they exchange the blue garment for a black garment,
then I should have three blue garments in inventory
and two black garments in inventory. ”

At its core, BDD is designed to make a testing platform or framework to restructure automated software testing (or test through automated recurring processes and functions) like SDLC, for a successfully functioning program which acts from the script adequately.

BDD is made up of the BDD Life Cycle, which consists of five stages, which are:

  1. Describe Behavior
  2. Define Requirements
  3. Run and Fail (the tests)
  4. Apply Code and Update
  5. Run and Pass — and return to Stage 1

(Geeks For Geeks)


The Joint Chiefs of Staff also has a behavioral development cycle, which is known across all branches of the U.S. military as the Battle Rhythm.

“ What is a Battle Rhythm?: Tips for Being a Great Executive Office in the Army” | Davion West — YT Channel

Ramberto A. Torruella Jr., currently the CTO of Seattle’s radio station KEXP, published a report on Battle Rhythms while serving in the U.S. Navy’s CTF-70 Battle Force Seventh Fleet. In this report, he describes a battle rhythm as having four main phases:

  1. Input: Receiving input from multiple sources (similar to BDD)
  2. Integrate: Integrating input to create usable information
  3. Shape: Shaping usable information to make it actionable
  4. Decide: Reaching a decision point

Torruella, pp. 1–5

Torruella goes on to state that a decision point, especially that of a Commander is reached by an Execution Cycle (a.k.a. an OODA Loop):

a. Observe
b. Orient
c. Decide
d. Act (and then, Observe)

In a Battle Rhythm the outcome results in decisive action, and in BDD, the outcome results in a functioning program that meets expectations.

In Incologistics, the desired outcome results in a state of self control where decision meets an expectancy- which is manageable and attainable through one’s drive.

A container restricts decision, whereas self expectancy can shape the self’s own development.

To develop a decision that meets expectancy it must be tested in recurring manners- and not exist on loop in a single recurring state. If the expectancy is erroneous or fails to link one’s drive to one’s self control, the state holder will know how to redirect to redevelop and improve their state of control.

Say if you order a cup of carbonated water, and when you receive the cup of carbonated water it completely slides off your hand and splashes onto the floor. Would you re-order that cup of carbonated water to expect a different result over time, or would you like to figure out why the container goes on its own path without your ability to control it? And when you figure out that this imaginary container is frictionless, you create an expectancy that you can apply an improved controlling state to this issue — such as wearing gloves composed of an extra grit layer to stop the frictionless cup before descending.

What would the stages of an Incologistical Cycle consist of?

  1. Develop a Positional Controller (this would be a collaborative effort among incologer specialists)
  2. Evaluate the Positional Controller
  3. Create a series of instructions that you “believe” are capable without third party opinion.
  4. Test and simplify those instructions, to see if the desired outcome can be achieved.
  5. Attempt to control the outcome through the expectancy of your developed instructions.
  6. Shape your expectancy based on your ability to control the outcome.
  7. Using your simplified instructions, create a Formulaic Scheme for a Position Controller* (return to Stage 1).
  • Formulaic Scheme for a Position Controller
    (Drive) Position to make Occurrence / Incurrence to Control (reason with, make happen) an Outcome (Expectancy)

In Conclusion

Incologistics is conceptual at this point, but the recurring state-holder situation has become dire on a global scale.

In closing, Drive Control Implementations have continued to be produced for limited-control based outcomes. My argument is that such state-holders desire the capability to have, and the necessary drive to establish the know-how, to control their situation. But, because of their expectancy states (based on a number of factors hindering their ability to attain this control) and their dependency on containers as a drive for control, DCI’s (which might prove effective to set populations) may prove ineffective in the mental drive, expectancy and control state of the state-holder. Thus, a possible solution would be to examine this global dilemma on the basis that it can be approachable through logistics combined with behavioral development techniques, management and collaborative self development cycles. I have coined the term for this as Incologistics.

The drive to a better life expectancy begins with you. And when you find your drive, your actions reach to those who are ever lost and searching.


Tourella, Ramberto, A., “Adapting C2 to the 21st Century”, 12th ICCRTS, Managing the Battle Rhythm I-132, C2 Concepts, Theory, and Policy”, CTF-70 Battle Force Seventh Fleet FPO-AP, URL: (link)

Joint Publication 4–0, “Joint Logistics”, 20 July 2023, [United States] Joint Chiefs of Staff — Army War College

Unclassified : Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction, 30 December 2021, [United States] Joint Chiefs of Staff

Further Resources:

Interesting Logistics History Overview by Weight Lifter Joe Walden (Jan. 2022)

© 2024, Adam Mullin (a.k.a. Good Day, Adam)

