The Myths Asian Parents Tell Us

Some of the things Asian parents tell their kids are wild

Nam Tran
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


Photo by Dragon Pan on Unsplash

Asian parents have a stereotype of expecting their children to be obedient, where they want their children to listen, obey, and believe everything they say -fact or fiction- and not argue and talk back.

And I know this doesn’t apply to all Asians.

It is just a stereotype.

But there is usually some truth to stereotypes, especially this one because my parents were like that.

They often told me ridiculous things so that I would behave or stop bothering them.

And a lot of the time, I believed them. I didn’t argue the lack of logic in their “facts” because I had no logic to back it up.

The things they told me were, indeed, factual.

So, here are the myths my young naive self believed but turned out to be quite silly:

  • I wanted to lift weights when I was about 11 or 12 years old because of ’90s action movies, professional wrestling, and my older friends doing it. But my parents didn’t let me because they said weight training (or any physical activity that exerted too much energy or any activity that used too much leg muscle for that matter) would make me short. So, I didn’t lift weights until I was…



Nam Tran
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

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