Collective Mind

The Unhinged Unconscious

The Wild Side of Your Psyche

Evelyn Ann Rose
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
5 min readJan 12, 2024


A figure stands at the entrance of a labyrinth, gazing into its depths. Shadowy figures and symbols emerge from the darkness, symbolizing the journey into the personal and collective unconscious.
Exploring the Depths of the Unconscious Mind (Created using DALL-E)

Ever had a weird feeling that there’s an unseen force secretly pulling your strings? Well, it’s not as far-fetched as you think. In our last chat, we explored the tip of the mental iceberg, the conscious mind. If you missed it, you can catch up here. Now, are you ready to explore the depths of the unconscious? This is where it starts to get really interesting. So, take a deep breath, we’re about to get deep!

Unlocking the Personal Unconscious

Imagine the personal unconscious as the murky waters just below the surface of the tip of the iceberg. This is the layer where the treasure trove of your personal experiences is hidden away from the spotlight of your conscious self.

But here’s the catch — this layer isn’t just a passive storage space. This is the layer where silent shadows subtly steer your emotions and behaviors. Your unconscious mind is the puppet master backstage. The silent observer of your personal and collective experiences, directing parts of your life without you even knowing it.

Playing in the Dark

The personal unconscious is where your inner demons play an endless game of hide-and-seek. In this hidden world, your shadow self…



Evelyn Ann Rose
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

Spiritual gangsta Mom digging deep, one snarky insight at a time. Visit my blog at