‘The World Doesn’t Revolve Around You’ (Or, Does It)?

Believing that the world doesn’t revolve around us can actually make us more selfish. Here’s why…

Lisa Fouweather
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


Photo by William Navarro on Unsplash

The phrase ‘the world doesn’t revolve around you’ is often used as an insult, a way to bring people down from a pedestal when they are behaving in ways that are considered ‘selfish.’ But, what if the whole world DOES revolve around you?…

According to psychologist Jean Piaget, children below the age of two years old think that the universe revolves around them. So much so, that they believe that objects and people only exist for as long as they are staring at them. It’s only after the age of two that they begin to recognise that this isn’t the case (or rather, we are told that this isn’t the case)…

What happens after the age of two that prompts this shift?

The ego takes centre stage as we become aware of our place in society, a society that relies on us existing in a state of comparison/a capitalist structure that relies on our feelings of ‘otherness’ and division to function…

Why? Because, if we live in awareness of our true nature- ‘oneness’- then there can be no comparison, no ‘othering’, no division, for we realise that we are all the same: one



Lisa Fouweather
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

22 yr old Indie Published Queer Writer @ portfolioofhope.com, Activist, & Political Poet, I write about the things that matter in a society gone wrong.