The Writing System That Helps Me Publish 16 Medium Stories Every Month

1-hour daily writing routine

Sumanpreet Kaur
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
3 min readJun 20, 2024


Photo by Angel Balashev on Unsplash

It’s 6:14 a.m. and I am typing this on my screen in the warm and fresh morning.

Every dawn begins with writing followed by book reading.

Writing 1 hour daily in the morning helps me

  • Publish 4X a week on Medium.
  • 10 tweets a week on X.
  • I used to post 4X on LinkedIn (but I’ve been off on this platform for some time.)

Only saying consistency wouldn’t be fair. Because how consistent you are that depends on how well your systems are established.

So, here’s my writing system to write 1 hour every day:

1) Ideation

The quality of your writing is proportional to the quality of your ideas.

Not one, I ideate in multiple ways.

For example, I capture ideas, thoughts, emotions, and observations in my notes. And I open these when I am supposed to outline.

2nd way, I scroll online on Medium and X to get ideas (Keeping special time for this.)

3rd way, every Friday, I sit to reflect on my week and pick up topics based on something that frustrated me, realized, experienced, learnt, and observed.

So, I have ideas in place now to work on them at the weekend.

The next step is

2) Outline

That I call the thinking session.

Outline the structure by putting

  • A headline
  • Planning the intro
  • Body
  • The ending

For example, if the idea is the suggestions given online aren’t for you. Stop screwing yourself by not believing everything you read online through quality consumption and understanding.

I’ll uncover this idea by writing why, how, and what is behind this while incorporating my experience in this and giving a structure to it as mentioned above.

The top benefit of this activity is the mental exercise by deepening into a topic and tapping into the multiple layers of your one thought.

3) Write and Edit

Now, the content and structure both are already there. All need is to frame it better.

For this, I write and edit on alternate days.

In the morning before writing, I read a few pages of the book — it’s like warming up my mind before putting it to work.

Then, I pick up the outline and write based on this.

On a side note, using this system I write from Monday to Saturday while I outline on the weekend and there’s no specific timing to ideate.

To publish 4X a week, I edit the already written craft and compose the next one together on Thursday and Friday — little adjustments like this are based on the situation.

When you specify, say, 1 hour to write and at a particular time, it is like a support to your system.

And systems help you

  • Avoid procrastination.
  • Get clarity in the mind.
  • Simplify your tasks.

So, if something seems overwhelming to you, just break it down into multiple steps in a systematic manner.

That builds your momentum and increases the flow like water passing in the mainstream.

“Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.”

Thomas A. Edison

If you are looking for a content creation system that helps you stay consistent and organized, here you can download your free content creation planner:

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