We Need to Talk About Suicide

Have a conversation so people don’t kill themselves

Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


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Note: This article discusses suicide. If you or someone you know is considering suicide or is in crisis, please seek help by calling the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or texting the Crisis Text Line at 741741 (US). For crisis support outside the US, find your local helpline through the International Association for Suicide Prevention.

Out of sight, out of mind

Suicide isn’t easy to talk about.

It’s an intense and uncomfortable topic for most people.

I get it. It’s not exactly dinner table or water cooler conversation.

But here’s the thing.

Allowing the subject of suicide to remain in the shadows encourages those grappling with suicidal thoughts to struggle in the shadows.

By perpetuating the treatment of suicide as taboo, we are instilling in society that suicide is “bad” and it must not be acknowledged.

We can’t address what we don’t shed light on.

Keeping the topic of suicide out of sight keeps it out of mind.

Not having a conversation, impedes amelioration.



Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

I’m a Filipina-American mental health writer and toddler mom. I mostly focus on suicide, depression and living with bipolar disorder. This is a no AI zone.