What Hell Looks Like To Atheists

I was raised atheist, and I can explain why Hell is not a sufficient argument for faith to people on the outside of Christianity

Amanda Melheim
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


A hotdog runs away from a flame.
“Roast in Hell, sinner! Ha ha ha!” — Some Christians Image credit nugroho dwi hartawan on Pixabay

Hell is not a sufficient deterrent for a conversion to Christianity.

As a disclaimer, I’m going to put this out there, even though I know it’s going to make some people mad, because I don’t believe in having an elephant in the room. My apartment is way too small to house elephants. Discussing Christianity should not be threatening to Christians.

Belief in the Truth and in God being invincible, and in the New Testament’s frequent mentions that Jesus said questioning like small children is part of engaging in your own faith should instill confidence.

People get upset because they don’t believe that God is invincible and generous and loving but know that they should, so they feel ashamed whenever they air what they feel is their soul’s dirty laundry.

For those people…please do yourself a favor and back out of this article. You’re just inflaming your shame.

…Okay, are they gone? Let’s continue.

Childhood and Games of Pretend



Amanda Melheim
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

Grad student, ulcerative colitis survivor, happily divorced, nerd in EMDR therapy for CPTSD. Book and movie reviews, memoirs, education, and psychology talk.