What We See as Weakness May Be Tremendous Strength

It’s not what you think

Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO


Photo by Amar Yashlaha on Unsplash

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Weak and Strong

Gentle, humble, kind, quiet, cautious, thoughtful, contemplative, tenderhearted, and shy are all words used to describe people who might be judged as weak.

Strong or powerful people are defined by words like powerful, assertive, authoritative, outspoken, bold, intense, macho, the boss, and headstrong.

We look down on the people we believe to be weak in some way while following and encouraging those we perceive as having power.

Yet, we all have strengths and weaknesses.

You will be surprised if you examine the words that seem to point to weakness.


For instance, gentleness is defined as being free from harshness, sternness, or violence, and the qualities of being moderate and kind.

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Bible Theology defines gentleness:

Sensitivity of disposition and kindness of behavior, founded on strength and prompted by love.



Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

I'm a writer and expert on winning my battle to live a life of encouragement, and self improvement. I love God, nature and I'm an expert on smiles and joy.