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A Day Job is not the only way to earn money. Increase your streams of passive income.

Why Goals Are Necessary for Financial Freedom.

Have you attended to financial freedom? Do you recognize the word tho?

Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
3 min readDec 18, 2023


Earlier, people got rich essentially because they were doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc. And they bought houses in London in the 1980s and so the whole messaging around financial success was just so implicit. It was you get a job like working as a doctor and then over time you buy houses and then over time, you’ll become like financially successful.

Financial success did not have to look like you work your ass off for 65 years and then retire to a beach when you’ve got a bunch of properties.

Like that isn’t the path and that there was a way of becoming financially successful while you’re relatively young and you can join what we call the New Rich i.e the people who recognize the value of time freedom and Independence rather than just the value of money.

Do I want to live a life where every day I show up to work maybe I am not necessarily enjoying my day job?

Maybe I’ll find bits of it enjoyable but like broadly I might not enjoy it.

Do I want to do that for the sake of the promise of retirement further down the line?

You need to have a clear goal for Financial Freedom in mind. You don’t necessarily need to have a number.

I never had a magic number. I still don’t have a magic number in my mind for like I need x amount of money to consider myself financially independent.

But the thing that the Four-Hour Work Week Book taught me was that building streams of passive income or active income or building a business was the way to unlock freedom.

If you don’t have a goal of becoming financially independent or financially free or being a millionaire whatever that thing is while you’re young then it’s probably not going to happen.

This sort of stuff does not happen accidentally. People don’t just wake up and stumble into some sort of thing that makes them super financially successful.

Every single person who has achieved whatever they deem to be Financial Freedom has done it very very intentionally. They’ve had it as a goal in their mind and even just the fact that you then have this as a goal means that you know manifestation and all that kind of stuff but essentially the brain starts to recognize patterns and starts to look out for opportunities to help you get towards that goal.

So ever since I read the four-hour work week I got this idea in my mind that I want to become financially free suddenly my brain started to see these opportunities everywhere.

While I was socializing and doing all the stuff, in the back of my mind and sometimes in the front of my mind was this idea that I want to be financially free I need to build assets and build businesses around me that can allow me to make money while I sleep.

I’d be looking out for podcasts where people are talking about how they are making their money it’s all going to make my brain tune into the frequency of what are the things I need to look out for in the world to try and move towards this goal of Financial Freedom that I want.



Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

I'm a small writer who is willing to put her thoughts in front of the world and learn new things every day. I like writing and when someone reads it.