Work Harder Or Live Smarter, That Is The Question

The more you spend, the harder you must work to maintain your lifestyle. Do you want to work harder or live smarter? That is the question

Kristina Etter
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
10 min readJul 11, 2024


Image made by author in Canva Pro.

Look, I’m no Dave Ramsey. I have spent most of my life on the hamster wheel, trying to earn enough money to just cover my expenses.

I don’t have a “portfolio” — the only investments I’ve ever made were into my own education (check), raising a healthy child (check, check), investing in my husband’s health (Check, check, check), and investing into my home and business. (HUGE check.)

I am not the epitome of “wealth” in the United States, and I’m anything BUT a financial guru. I blew a ridiculous amount of money living the “high life” for a few years in my 30s. I look back now and think, “What a fool.”

In 2014, I lived in a 1600 sq. ft. penthouse apartment in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, for the lofty price of $2400 a month. In 2016, after quitting my corporate job and spending a short time homeless, I sold my land in Iowa, paid off the mortgage on it, and paid my lawyer and realty fees. After all this, I had a little money left over to reinvest.

I chose to invest in real estate and buy a home so I could focus on building my writing career…



Kristina Etter
Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

Co-Founder and Publisher @ | Freelance Creator @ | Soon-to-Be *Traveling* Content Creator | Corporate America Refugee