Technology can be funny!

7 Micro Stories Born Out of AI Images

Sometimes you just need to have fun with it

Sean Kernan
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
5 min readSep 27, 2024


Pic via Pexels Images

I love AI images — because they are a source of easy inspiration. I’ve written some of my best jokes with it.

Body parts appear in the wrong places. Arms come out of someone’s ear. It’s like the program took a drunken nap during anatomy class and woke up saying, “Yeah, I can totally make a person.”

What I’ve really noticed is that AI has tons of trouble drawing hands, feet, and faces. The more complexity you add, the nuttier the AI gets.

So why not have some fun with it?

Prompt: “Mark Zuckerberg introducing his new creepy emoji”

Via MidjourneyAI

Mark: “Hello, my fellow netizens. As I’ve made sure you all are fascinated with my extracurricular activities, and efforts to be seen as a Brazilian jiu-jitsu badass, wakeboarding master, and anything that might remove any aura of nerdiness, our team has revealed that the future of technology lies in the Zuccerverse and how amazing it is to be a true Zuck.



Sean Kernan
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

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