A Beloved Childhood Memory

Zaigam Akhtar
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readNov 13, 2023

My attempt to write on the prompt: A beloved childhood memory

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In my younger years, video games were my absolute passion. I reveled in the world of computer gaming, whether it was the adrenaline rush of first-person shooters, the thrill of adventure games, the speed of racing games, or the immersive narratives of RPGs.

My friends and I were completely immersed in those digital worlds, and, now and then, we’d gather for marathon gaming sessions. Those memories hold a treasured place in my heart.

The onset of summer break was like a breath of fresh air, granting us freedom from the rigors of school, schedules, and the early morning routine.

When I reminisce about my childhood, what stands out the most for me is those summer afternoons when I’d become entirely engrossed in video games. Sometimes, I’d have friends over, and we’d lose ourselves in gaming for hours. Other times, it was just me or my elder brother, and the hours passed swiftly.

Photo by Marcus Wallis on Unsplash

The immense heat outside often deterred us from going outside until the late evening. Those afternoons had a distinct sense of serenity. Not a worry in the world plagued our minds. We were content, immersed in our own world, trying out new adventures, and eagerly anticipating discussions once school resumed.

Looking back now, this memory is both heartwarming and bittersweet. I can’t help but long for those uncomplicated days, knowing that I can never truly return to them. I often wonder if my friends share similar sentiments and reminisce about the simplicity and wonder of those times.

And then we grow up

Though video games still excite me, they just don’t have the same kind of appeal anymore. I can’t simply indulge in gaming for hours because I have responsibilities now.

Somewhere down the line, we all grew up. Now, making time for gaming as an adult is pretty hard. Back in the day, time flew by and we didn’t even notice. And I guess that’s why we all cherish those memories even more in our hearts.



Zaigam Akhtar
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

A storyteller trying to find stories in people, places, & experiences worth sharing. I write on a whim about Tech, Books, Films, Self-Improvement, & Poetry. 🌻