A Confrontation Between a Scammer and Me as a Scambaiter (Pt.2)

This is the second part of the story

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
5 min readJan 18, 2024


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

S: Scammer (James Smith), S2: Scammer 2, E: Ethan Roger Hunt (Me as a scmabaiter [Using a voice changer])

S: Are you on the Anydex page sir?

E: Yes. It says Better software. Then, underneath it, it says the smart choice for remote access, and then it says download now, start business trial.

S: Click download now sir.

E: okay do I double click or left click?

S: uhhh.. left click sir.

E: okay it says Anydesk.exe download.

S: install Anydex sir

E: okay.

S: Now, open Anydex and tell me the user ID and password.

E: Okay. User ID is 183 543 212. Password is 42******. Whats your user ID and password?

S: My user ID is 616 782 537. Password is 90*****.

E. Okay.

S: Okay sir, your computer is now successfully connected.

E: Okay. What do I do now?

S: Now, go to www.Amazon.com and login to your account.

E: okay.. (After accessing Amazon) You can’t see my login, can you?

S: I can’t, sir.

E: okay.

(While the scam is undergoing, I could hear someone talking in the background,“Hi, thank you for calling Norton. How may I help you?)

E: Yes, hello? I’m having an issue with Amazon, not Norton.

S: Sir, he’s talking to other customer.

E: Oh okay. I thought he’s talking to me haha

(After logging in…)

S: Sir, go to your profile now.

E: Okay.

S: Okay, as you can see, there’s an unauthorized payment in your account. Now, I will refund the amount for you. Sir, which bank do you want the refund? (Scammer is showing me the fake unauthorized payment and the amount is $500.)

E: wait, $500?? That’s insane! I didn’t order that..what is that? An iPhone? Hahaha no way, why do I need an iPhone when I already got one at home?!

S: hahaha yes sir, because someone hacked into your account and made unauthorized payment, I’m here to help you refund the amount. Sir, which bank do you want the refund?

E: Hmm Bank of America.

S: Okay. Sir, I will transfer your call to a senior manager who works in the bank of America.

E: Oh okay.

(Noise in the background as the line is transferring…)

S: Hi, thank you for holding the line. Your call has been transferred to the Bank of America. This is Alex (With the same person’s voice). How are you doing today?

E: I’m good. How are you? What’s your name again?

S: I’m good, too. It’s Alex, ma’am.

E: I’m sir. Anyway, your name is very unusual in India.

S: I’m sorry, what?

E: I said your name is unusual in India.

S: Oh hahaha I’m not from India, sir.

E: Oh really?! Where are you from then?

S: I’m from Los Angeles. what about you?

E: Really?! I have all your locations, IP Addresses…You’re not from Los Angeles.

S: (Speaking Hindi in the background with other scammers while I’m spying on them)

E: I know your language and I understand everything you said. Don’t lie to me.

(Scammer hangs up the phone. I call back to waste their time)

(phone ringing in the background)

S: Thank you for calling Amazon. This is James Smith. How can I help you?

E: Hi, your colleague was rude to me when I was trying to figure something out. He was yelling at me when I was trying to figure something out.

S: Who was that?

E: It was Alex.

S: Oh okay.. Sir, do you have ultraviewer on your dextop?

E: Hmm let me see, I have Microsoft Edge, recycle bin, Google Chrome, Anydesk…oh yeah I do have ultraviewer.

S: Okay sir, open ultraviewer and tell me the username and password.

E: okay. The username is 245 ***** and the password is ****.

S: Okay sir, your computer is now successfully connected. Now, go to the Bank of America and login to your account.

E: okay. (Accessing the Bank of America and logging in) You can’t see my login, can you?

S: No sir. I can’t

E: okay, just want to make sure haha

S: Let me know once it’s logged in.

E: Okay. It’s logged in.

S: Okay. Now, I will transfer you back the money. So do one thing and leave your mouse, sir.

E: Okay..(After a few seconds) Wait, why is my screen black?(As I’m moving my mouse again)

S: I’m checking your transaction ID, sir. Just leave your mouse and don’t do anything.

E: But why do you have to make my screen black? I don’t understand.

S: I’m checking your transaction ID, sir. Just don’t touch anything. (In fact, they’re doing an unauthorized wire transfer to an unknown party bank)

E: (I continually move my mouse to waste their time)


E: Well, I just want to know what you’re doing on my computer.

S: Sir, you don’t have to be worried. We’re here to help you okay?

(After a few minutes)

S: Sir, now please check your account. As you can see, we have transferred you back the amount.

(Scammer is showing me the screen)

E: Wait..why is it $50,000?

S: OMG sir, what have you done?

E: I didn’t do anything. Maybe you put three zeros on purpose.

S: Sir, it’s your fault and now you have to go to the Target store and get 5 Target gift cards.

E: What? That’s crazy! I’m an old man and you’re making me to go to the Target store?! How much do I need to get for each card?

S: $1000, sir.

E: Okay.

S: Sir, do you have a car? You can drive there.

E: Yes, I do but I got other business to do as well.

S: Okay. How long is it from your home to the Target Store?

E: Hmm maybe 10–15 minutes. Should I hang up the call?

S: No sir. Just stay on the line.

E: Okay.

(After a while…)

E: I got my gift cards.

S: okay sir. Now go home and go back to your computer.

~To be continued~

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Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I post stories about personal discoveries and sometimes about news articles. There are no fixed topics. Hope you like them ^^