Short story | Fantasy

A Dream Goddess

A story inspired by a song

Mbhango Lefoka
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


A black silhouette dream goddess with wings. A fantasy short story.
A flying goddess by VectorStock

I wrote this piece when I was in high school. This used to be part of my unpublished handwritten anthology. I wrote it again from memory because I lost my first draft. It will never be like the original one. Even so, I hope this version is better.

Before reading this story, I recommend you listen to this song until its end:

Big Red M. Song found here.

You’ll understand the feel and flow of the lyrics used in this story. By the way, I got my story’s idea from this song.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s begin our short story:

My parents left me alone in the house. I locked all doors and closed the windows. In my bedroom, I’m sitting on a chair with my laptop on the table. My chin is resting on my folded arms as I watch my favourite animation. I’ve put it on loop, and I keep rapping its background music in my mind. The night makes me drowsy.

I wake up quickly with wide-open round white eyes. I see in all views. Everything around me is black, besides the table and chair. Now my back is upright and arms on my sides. Out of the blue, a female voice echoes seductive moans. My mouth syncs with the music that keeps playing. I can’t move my body.

My mouth sings on its own. “Daydream!”

“Daydream.” The same female voice repeated.

“I dream of you amid the flowers”

She repeats after me.

“For a couple of hours”

“For a couple of hours”

I protrude my chest. “Such a beautiful day”

“Such a beautiful…day”

The world changes. I’m now on a huge concert stage seeing my whole body moving on itself as my mouth raps the song’s lyrics. The audience is a countless crowd. They are all black paper people chains, with no faces. I stop when I get control of my body. A short chubby girl with fat cornrow braids and a white dashiki tunic with white wings appears next to me. She gives me a warm smile.

Then a black spiraled portal appears under me and pulls me down. I fall in, tumbling.

Everything turns to white. I’m now a wooden marionette manikin with strings above me. As I keep falling down with great speed, the strings move me around. My back gets hunched with my head facing forward. Arms and legs are now straight.

“Daydream!” I yell without control.

The concert girl appears and flies around me. “Daydream”

“I fell asleep beneath the flowers.” I can’t control myself.

“I fell asleep beneath the flowers”

“For a couple of hours…”

She kept repeating after me until we completed the chorus.

When she comes close and holds my chin to kiss me, I become blind.

I wake up with a flinch and look around me — everything is back to normal. I look at my laptop time, five hours had passed. The music that was playing in the dream, is playing in the animation in my laptop. I laugh with a hand over my mouth.

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Copyright © Mbhango Lefoka



Mbhango Lefoka
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

South African writer | Romance, Fiction, Challenges, Poems, Realism.