Living our best lives

A Life of Contribution

How we can contribute on a daily basis

JB Hollows
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJul 2, 2022


A yoga pose on the beach

Like how much do you have to contribute before it’s considered ‘a life of contribution’?

Do you have to give up everything? Wear only second-hand clothes? Never buy coffee from a chain cafe? Earn a limited amount? Cycle to work?

I didn’t feel I could do that. It didn’t feel like me. I didn’t feel ‘good’ enough.

It was simpler than that.

It meant starting from where you're at.

Say hello to the guy that holds his hat out at the tube station.

Offer your assistance when it occurs that you can.

Make a cuppa for someone who needs it.

Hold the hand of a person suffering.

When I started there it was easy. I could give what seemed natural.

When I started there I didn’t overthink it. I just did what occurred to me in the moment.

When I started there I noticed that kindness is innate. It just occurs when I’m not in my head.

When I started there it was enough.

And from there it grows. Organically. In its own time.

A life of contribution begins with a smile to a stranger.

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JB Hollows
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect. I empower change-makers to unlock their Emotional Resilience & take Inspired Action.